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10 hours ago, Mike Y said:

Very nicely done! Can't believe it is your first POF and you started with the stern section, probably the most challenging part of the hull :) 

Thanks! That's exactly why I chose the stern, if I can build that I can build the whole ship 😄

6 hours ago, dvm27 said:

You know, you could just scarph that keel joint and add the midsection and, if that goes well...

Hahaha, trust me, I've thought about it 😂

Most likely though my next project will be La Diligente, a french tartane from the Ancre monograph. Lateen sailed boats are my favourite so it's something I'd like to "specialise" in.


6 hours ago, Chuck said:

Such a nice looking model.  You are really doing a fine job.  I will be following along.

Thank you! 😊


Hello, I am of the same opinion as KLarsen and before starting a long-term project of a complete ship, with all that it implies (time, money...) I must know if I have the minimum and necessary skills to solve complex and important issues and not have a lot of wood for firewood. I have read some threads in which problems have made them abandon the project. There are people who are just starting their tests like KLarsen and others like me who have been trying for a long time

Congratulations KLarsen, I have been following your project and it is great


After posting the pictures the other day I found out I'd installed the lower decks clamps a little too high up, though I was able to remove them using a hair drier and reinstall them a little lower. I also installed the thickstuff (I think they're called?), the 2 x 3 planks running along the inside. This is most likely all the inner planking I'll add.


I also added nails on the upper bulwarks. I used 0,3mm copper wire here, the 0,5mm I've used elsewhere seemed a little too think for these planks.


With this I can get started on the decks, first will be the platform in the bottom where the powder room is. I've yet to decide how many bulkheads I'll install, I want the interior to be visible while also giving an idea of how cramped it was.


Again, thanks everyone for the kind comments and likes, it's much appreciated! 😊

  • 3 weeks later...

It's finally time to get started on all the interior stuff. I've installed the platform for the powder and munitions room, and today I finished the bulkhead between the powder room and the lantern room. I won't be adding any glass in the panes, I think that'll just distract from the look.
I'm really happy with how the window turned out, if I can do as well with the big stern windows I'll have no complaints!
The only thing I'm not happy with is how the inner planking terminates at the very stern; it was difficult to bend them and almost impossible to sand them there. However, most likely it won't be seen at all when the bulkheads and deck planking is in place. It's always nice when you can just hide your sloppy craftsmanship! 🤣

  • 4 weeks later...

I'm finishing the munitions and lantern room and planking the platform above them. I haven't decided if I'll fully plank that deck or not, planking it will completely hide the lantern room but will make it easier to install the bulkheads above.
I'm also fitting the beams for the orlop deck which are necessary to install the pillars supporting the mizzen mast. It really is a puzzle finding out which pieces to install and when.
The deck is planked with wooden nails but they are hardly visible (like on a real deck).

  • 2 weeks later...

I decided to go ahead and fully plank the platform as well as install all the panels separating the rooms and corridors.

I'm well aware that it'll hide a lot of the details like the lantern room, but it seemed the best way to show how cramped the ships interior was.

I'll also install the bulkhead behind the platform (the lower plank is already in place) even though it will completely hide the sail room behind.

With this, I can install the last deck beams for the orlop deck and decide how much to plank it, whether entirely or just a few planks.


While I won't be installing any LEDs I couldn't resist simulating the light coming from the light room.


Also, I installed the last deck beams for the orlop deck. Now comes the difficult task of creating the crazily curved waterways. I'll probably have to cut it from a sheet as there's no way I'll be able to bend a strip to follow those curves at the stern.


  • 2 weeks later...

To create the waterways for the orlop deck I first built up a template from thick crafting paper, then cut out the piece from wood and shaped it. It was the only way I could think of to get the complex curves correct.

The plans don't show how the deck planks would be fastened at the very end, so I created a small piece and put it on the deck clamp. It's far from perfect but it won't be possible to see it once the deck is planked.

I'll most likely plank the whole insides of this deck up to the main deck clamp, including the stern. Especially because I don't like the way the stern is looking right now where you can see the back of the outer planking.


  • 2 weeks later...

Question: Does anyone know how the middle deck planks should terminate on the keelson? The plans don't really tell. I could either just make the planks butt up against the keelson or glue a strip onto the keelson and let the planks rest on that, nailing them in place. I'm leaning towards the last solution, I'm just wondering how it would have been done on the real ship.


  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
On 11/3/2024 at 11:31 AM, KLarsen said:

Question: Does anyone know how the middle deck planks should terminate on the keelson? 

My guess is that the planks would butt against the keelson, that is what happens in the other ships. Great building project, this is looking great.


Brian D :)

Edited by bdgiantman2
  • 1 month later...
On 11/20/2024 at 4:24 AM, bdgiantman2 said:

My guess is that the planks would butt against the keelson, that is what happens in the other ships. Great building project, this is looking great.


Brian D :)

This is what I ended up doing, thanks! In the end, no one will be able to see it anyway.


I finished planking the middle of the orlop deck. I decided to leave the rest unplanked so the underlying structure can be seen, as well as the sail room below which is otherwise only accessible by the small hatch.

The inside of the frames will be planked, this way it's easier to install the knees supporting the battery deck beams and the yoke. And since the wales cover the outside of the frames at this height, it wouldn't be possible to see much anyway if I were to leave the inside open.

For the stern area I had to cut a piece from a sheet and shape it to fit the inside curves. There was simply no way I could bend a strip this much. Sadly the starboard piece broke at the end just as I was gluing it on, so there's a seem there that I probably won't be able to sand away.



By the way, I realise the way I've done the inner stern planking and the water way is wrong: it shouldn't be this wide but should have been more curved. I'm not sure why I didn't realise this earlier.
Anyway I'm not going to redo it, I'd destroy more than I could fix, I'll just take it as yet another lesson learnt.

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I finished the knees over the weekend and also created and installed the curved rail for the rudder tiller. Although I'm still missing the rearmost angled knees which are tricky to make.

I had some difficulty installing the curved rail at the correct height under the beams, I opted to install it under a riser so the ends were at the correct height and the rail perpendicular to the keel. I looked at some photos of the HMS Victory for comparison.

Next I will be partially planking the battery deck and preparing the pulleys for the tiller.

Also, you might have noticed my photos are better quality, I just bought a new phone. 📷


  • 3 weeks later...

I finally got around to working on the rudder. Metalwork is something I'm very bad at, and I've been struggling a lot with the rudder hinges. In the end they turned out fine and I think the solder is strong enough so the pinion won't break off. 🤞


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