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Everything posted by MEDDO

  1. Very nice project. I would love to see more pictures. If you goto the Gallery at the top of the page then there is a green button that says "add images". After you hit that then you are taken through a process to add your images into a Gallery folder. Last time I did this it was pretty smooth.
  2. Looks very good. Unless you are specifically looking for it I do not think you would notice the repairs.
  3. Very interesting project. A frigate sized project like the Cheerful is going to be very nice to see develop.
  4. I do like what you did with the transom there. Was wondering if it was a thin piece of wood for if you made it out of paper or some such.
  5. That's great news Kurt. Honestly other than that short disk at the back of Legacy of a Ship Model book I haven't had a need for a disk drive in the last eight years.
  6. The biggest problem I have is both my desktop and laptop do not have drives in them. Would have to scrounge up an external to use those cd's. I agree with Kurt on the Shop Notes.
  7. Welcome! I think you'll find this is a very helpful and supportive community. There are many excellent builds of this ship out there and there are plenty of people available to ask questions to at all times. Looking forward to seeing your progress.
  8. The Mastini, Roth and zu Mondfeld books are a great start. I really like "The Anatomy of Nelson's Ships" by C Nepean Longridge. It was one of my first books and does a great job of detailing that build and it includes a bunch of fold out plans which is nice. edit: The Art of Ship Modeling can be found along with many other great books at ANCRE some available in multiple languages.
  9. Looking forward to you getting started. Shame about the fitting out kit as this was also going to be my first scratch build. (edit: I should say this will still be my first scratch but now will be a bit more difficult.)
  10. 😄 Just completed the Downton Abbey series with my wife.
  11. That would be very interesting!
  12. Never letting a chance go by to expand my library I did get a copy off Amazon a while back. It is really nicely produced with very detailed photos. There are many close up photos to see the intricate details. Subjects in the book are from collections around the world. Interesting not too much info on the collection in Annapolis Naval Academy. Overall a really nice addition to the collection.
  13. Mark, I have always told people at that movie was pretty accurate. After watching the first clip I was able to see the clip from the History Buffs and I'm glad they also think that it was fairly accurate. Overall those two clips are a great find for fans of the movie.
  14. Welcome! Poke around here and ask a bunch of questions and please start a build log of your Hermione when it arrives. You'll find lots of helpful people and resources.
  15. I guess it's all in how the magazine is produced. I have a couple digital subscription to magazines and they vary wildly in quality. I have been getting National Geographic magazine for many years as a digital subscription. It is fantastic! I believe it is significantly better than the paper copy. It is loaded with full interactive videos and sound clips with links to more information if you need it. It has actual interviews with the subjects of the articles that have been video or audio recorded. It is professionally done to the highest level. While I like holding a paper magazine the way National Geographic does this makes it so much better and so much more interesting that I will never be going back to just a paper copy. Also I was the one who helped move the couple thousand pounds of National Geographic out of my father's basement when he moved. On the other hand I have a digital subscription to an outdoor magazine which is very difficult to read is very hard to zoom in on the small print articles and it offers no other additions such as the National Geo does. I actually prefer the paper version of that magazine. In general I much prefer real books. There's just something about turning the page smelling the paper feeling the weight of the book. For all books that I wish to keep which obviously includes all ship modeling books I will gladly pay a premium for a print copy. One thing that I've noticed over the last year or two as I'm studying for my board recertification examinations is that I tend to learn and remember better if I'm holding a real book and studying out of the real paper book. I don't seem to remember as much if I'm just looking at a digital screen on my computer or iPad. I'm not sure of the extra stimulus that comes from holding the weight of the book and the feel of the paper etc. tends to lend to better memory recall later. It's just my vague feeling that I remember things much better if I read that from an actual book. Now for science fiction, fantasy, romance, dimestore novel type books I will go digital all the way as I definitely do not want those clogging up my house.
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