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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by GLakie

  1. It's a great thing you're doing by donating it to the library Mike. Are you planning on posting some finished pictures here and in the gallery?
  2. Happy Birthday Augie! Hope you feel well enough for a glass of grog!
  3. Looking good Jay. And getting busier in there too.
  4. I was a little late for that one but I have been following along with his Royal Louis.
  5. Looks great for those larger sized parts John. Added to the (already large) list. I'll be giving you a yell in the first week of Dec. on that other thing we talked about. Couldn't make it happen this month.
  6. You would sure think that the designer of the Corel plans would have at least taken some pictures of the "real" Wasa, and done more research, on a kit that is a bit pricey to begin with. You did a bang-up job making those "inconsistencies" right Michael.
  7. To echo what the others have said Brian, you did a marvelous job on her and you should be proud. The photography is great too, by the way.
  8. Nice job on the rudder Jesse. If you're looking for those little nails/rivets, you could ask Dirk/Dubz where he gets those small rivets he uses all the time.
  9. You're doing an awesome job with her Michael, despite the lousy plans Corel provided.
  10. Thanks Jay. I was just on their site and what I might do is just get theirs and make whatever mods to the base-plate I need to get it to mount to my compound table. Looks small enough to fit and for $115, it should be doable without too much headache.
  11. Well, I actually don't know for sure, but the total weight of the Proxxon is only 15 lbs., so I would imagine since the Sherline is a full-size mill, their tilt-table would be pretty big. I guess I'll see about making one after I get the mill and divider for it. Thanks Jay!
  12. Great use of your mill Jay. Got a question. Within the next couple months or so I plan to get Proxxon's MF70 Micro-Mill, and I've been on the hunt for a tilt-table, like the one you're using there for those stair-treads. So far, I haven't had any luck finding one small enough to adapt to their compound-table, and I'm wondering if you might have any ideas on where to look. I'd like to avoid having to "home-make" one. Cheers
  13. Looking good Matt! I especially like the over-all view, and if I'm not mistaken again , that's the first over-all you've posted after installing the mortar.
  14. Very nice work Piet! Thanks for sharing your method. I'll be referencing this when I start my 1:76 Connie.
  15. Very nice Jesse! Too bad you couldn't find an easy way to mass-produce those. You could make a fortune I think.
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