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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by GLakie

  1. Sounds like a great idea Mike! I for one would be interested to see where she's going to end up, and I'm sure others would too.
  2. That's what I thought when I fired it up. The blade cutting wood actually makes more noise, and my vacuum hooked to it, drowns them both out.
  3. To your credit Boyd, I think the process and methods you're using are serving you well, and the end results are there to show for it. Novice? H*ll you say!
  4. We'll all be here looking forward to your next build Brian. Just be sure and take care of #1 first. No one else can do that but you. Cheers
  5. The Doc'll love it Dave. If you ask nice maybe Nenad will loan you some of his "working ants" to help with the rat-lines.
  6. Sorry to hear about the boy. Much too young. Oxycontin/oxycodone is one of those pain-killers that was mostly used for dying cancer patients in the past, and is generally over-prescribed by a multitude of doctors. A very strong and dangerous drug. I was referring to Vicodin. Effective if used with common-sense and moderation.
  7. John - I know quite a few women that are great at hiding it. On a side-note, opiates are alright, if only used in moderation when you need them. All the hype on the tube tells us they're bad when referencing people that take 20 - 50 a day. In their case, they are bad, and are no doubt, being abused more than likely.
  8. If it's one of those "Pain Management" places Mark, make sure and have her be completely honest about how intense the pain is, because not doing that will mean they won't attack the pain problem aggressively enough. It's probably a more prevalent problem with men than women since we tend to down-play our pain a little more.
  9. Nice job weathering the deck! Where did you find those cute little "Jorgenson"-style clamps Jack?
  10. I like that squaring jig you tooled up Danny. Handy little tool! I can think of a bunch of uses for it.
  11. That whale looks a might perturbed! May have to add that one to my collection.
  12. Pretty clever Dave! Anymore when I go shopping, I look at things like that with new eyes, and see multiple uses for them.
  13. That's a good looking deck-house Nenad. I think I recognize those "working ants", and Piet reported some of his has jumped ship.
  14. That shade of blue make for a nice contrast Patrick! Frank's right. It looks like there's going to me a lot of deck fittings going on.
  15. I see what you mean about lots of hammocks to do Jay.
  16. Looking good Nenad! Kids-----I think they're the same all over. None of us older guys can understand them. Like they're from another planet.
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