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Everything posted by GLakie

  1. I think the Wipe-On-Poly would slow or even stop the patina process as it would need air to get to it for the oxidation of the plates to occur.
  2. I managed to find these, but I don't think they're based in the US. http://www.bormawachs.com/gb/gilding/121-zapon-lack-high-resistance-glossy-varnish-special-for-gilding-.html http://www.modulor.de/en/clou-spraymat-zapon-spray-varnish-can-300-ml.html
  3. Panels are looking great Nenad. Congrats on your new tool purchase. We can never have enough! My best to the "Old Lady". Cheers
  4. Hi Piet. In reference to your making the planking match with the rest, I've been getting some nice results from blending stains. Not mixing them together, but applying one over the other. For instance, when I did the cabinet for my band-saw, I wanted something different, so I went with Minwax's Golden Pecan, but found it to be more reddish-orange than I liked. What I did was wait until the next day for it to dry good, and applied some English Chestnut right over top of the Golden Pecan. Instead of it turning real dark like I thought, it just darkened it enough to mask the bright orange look. It turned out better than I hoped, and was something of a "happy accident". Anyway, you might try that method for matching stained wood. Cheers
  5. They're looking OK from this perspective Jesse. I must be pretty difficult burnishing them in place without squeezing out the dimples for the rivets in the process.
  6. The panels look great Nenad. Better watch-out whenever any woman gives you "THE LOOK" . I think that's something they're all born with.
  7. Looking good Ken! Never seen hammock rail-covers done yet.
  8. Very nice, clean work Sal! She looks better every time I check in.
  9. Bummer you had those problems Piet. When I get frustrated with a project, I do like you did and just walk away for a while and attack it later with "fresh" eyes, and a better attitude.
  10. I know it'll turn out fine Richard, and as far as building the 1:1 version, come on up here and build her, and I can help. I'm only less than 1.5 mi from the Detroit River connecting the Great Lakes, and even the Atlantic.
  11. Just the normal stuff Dave. Must just be a phone setting or something.
  12. Shouldn't be so hard on yourself Dave. I've yet to see any "shabby" work that you've done to date.
  13. I see it's your Birthday again Ken! Happy Birthday!
  14. Outstanding planking Ed! Thanks for sharing your methods.
  15. That's a great-lookin' tub there Buck. It'll be good seeing you back here performing your "micro-surgery" techniques.
  16. Glad you're back Dennis! Sorry 'bout the re-dos, but I've got every confidence you'll have her ship-shape in no time.
  17. If you run into trouble Matt, it'll probably be in the parceling, as finding thin enough material to work with at these scales will be difficult. I think trying to do it will end up making the finished product way to thick, and looking out of scale.
  18. You could take a look under the machine for an access panel to see if there are bolts that can be tightened up on that base. Seems like that one must have slid by "Quality Control".
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