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Everything posted by Shazmira

  1. Thanks for the kind words on the planking, careful or you will make me blush I am happy with the basswood now. The surface sands very nicely, it is just the edges that get the fuzz on them, but scraping does do wonders. The conditioner seems to help as well.
  2. Thanks for the prayers and good wishes everyone. So far we have lucked out, a lot more rain than normal for around here and cool temps. My garden took a bit of a beating from the hail last nite, but not destroyed thank goodness. Got some 5 gallon buckets today, so if more comes through I can cover the plants. At least we have not had any tornadoes like other areas. We have only had one warning so far, but they missed us and went north and east into Nebraska, around my hometown. It was just really strange yesterday. It was 4pm in the afternoon and so dark out you would have thought it was midnight. The lightning show was really awesome to see, a few strikes a little closer than I cared for, but still beautiful in that strange awesome force of nature way that is both fascinating and deadly. Other half works in the oil fields here, and today 3/4 of the rigs were down because of lightning strikes. Forecast for all this week is a chance of storms every single day. They talk about how spotty the storms are supposed to be, but so far this spring every single one has swept through here. Farmers should be happy for all the rain, me, I prefer it hotter and drier, the cold and damp makes it hard to get motivated to get outside and do the things that need doing. If it doesn't dry out soon, my summer will be over before I know it, and then school will be on me full force without getting my workshop built, the dog run and kennel put in, or he new patio laid out and bricked! Some progress to report. planking is done, this side has been scraped and sanded once with 320 grit. Not totally thrilled, but I do believe it is a vast improvement over my first attempt on the SF, so I think I did learn a few things. Hope a bit more sanding will take care of a couple depressed areas on the hull. I can't use wood filler, because that would show since she is only single planked and Randy seems to think Chuck might lose it if I put cherry veneers on her
  3. Don't force them David...patience is the key and perhaps the hardest part of the hobby, at least in my mind. Looking forward to more pics, AFTER you have them done...I am betting no one will be able to tell at all that there was a break.
  4. Sorry Andy, I have been a bit incommunicado the last few days, so a belated "not so" happy birthday to you. Maybe the next one will be better. Looking forward to the other thread although i will miss looking at your great work on Peggy while you are gone.
  5. Quit adding things....now when I start mine, I am going to have to do this too....I'll never get her finished!!!
  6. Very nice, she is really starting to come together...almost time for adding some string......
  7. Don't know what more I can add Andy. I am impressed. I am hoping when I redo all my rigging I can get it to look half as nice!
  8. Harlequin, glad you enjoyed my log...the errors and side trips and all, and thank you for your compliments. I know exactly what you are saying about the eyes going straight to the things you are most unhappy with. That is what I kept doing...so yep, gotta tear it down until I am happy with it!
  9. I would say something, but I don't have an answer to the question at all. You are right, I think you can definitely tell summer is upon us, it had gotten rather quiet of late.
  10. Wayne, you know there is always room for you... since you brought the bartender as well, I am betting the others will be sure to make room for both of you. Sam, thanks for explaining the scraping thing. I will give that some practice strokes on the scrap wood and see if I like the result better. I am still planking, have her about half way done now in between laundry, cleaning and gardening. Hope to finish tonight. Then I can get some pictures up for Sjors. Tim, trust me, as I was writing all that I was thinking of everything you have been telling me!!!
  11. I will have to check out that tool Edwin, thanks for telling me about it. Small update...my morope order arrived yesterday...wow got it in 3 days so was impressed. Problem...what AL calls .25 mm is NOT what morope calls .25. The Morope stuff is 1/2 the diameter of the kit provided string. However, I do like the looks of the stuff from Morope. I placed a new order immediately for rope in the correct size, or should I say in the AL size. I figure I will have plenty of uses for the other rope in other builds. So, now, just waiting for the new order to come in, then I can begin the rework of all the rigging.
  12. Who cares what it looks like, as long as those bands hold it where you want then all is good! Good luck with the fix David, and happy to see you didn't give up!
  13. Sherry, I picked up paper the other day, and got several assortments of grits, I went all the way up to like 2200 grit and down to 60. I will get some finer paper out and see if that gives me a better edge, thanks for the suggestion. Grant, omg, every time I turn around it is $40 for this, $100 for that...I just spent $55 on Morope, and $45 last weekend for parts to make a serving machine, that have now gone completely to waste...plus there is the wait time....if I ordered boxwood I would have to start on the Syren because I would have no build going lol. I am going to try the finer grit paper and see what happens, if I still hate it, then I guess I can contact Jeff. Still think I could double plank her in cherry...I have approx 500 veneer strips of it
  14. Looking forward to seeing your fix David....haven't you learned yet...the instructions are never right lol
  15. LOL, probably ...but after all she is MY build hey Randy, I got my Morope order today...wth...how is it that Al's diameters of the rope can be so different? I ordered what the kit said it had...the largest I ordered was the .8 because I thought I would want it for something, on something. Heck, the .8 is about right for the rat lines I just placed a new morope order, the .8 in beige for all the rat lines, and decided to try the 1.5 in brown for the shroud lines. That will be closer to what AL provided. Nice thing is the .25 I ordered should be really nice as lanyards when I redo everything. But OMG, what a pain in the butt. Here I thought I could get back to the SF this weekend, but now I will have to wait for the new order
  16. If this is the only planking layer then a stainable wood filler. Elmers and Minwax make them.
  17. Al, still plenty of room here, and lots of extra chairs against the walls, help yourself Mark, I tried the scraping...does even more damage along the edges, and on the top I don't know, I tried the lightest of touch, but still just seemed to tear the wood. I am using 320 grit paper and even that seems too rough. I had no idea that thin basswood like this would behave in such a way. Suppose I should have ordered boxwood or something...but dang it, why buy a kit if you always have to switch out the wood, might as well just do scratch, then you only pay for stuff once. Oh well, I will work with what I have and hope when she is planked I can get the smooth finish I want. I wonder, what if I put a coat of poly on the strips first??? Has anyone tried that? I worry it would make it hard to edge bend, but maybe if I edge bend over size, then poly, and then sand and file the bevels on the edges? Has anyone ever tried this?
  18. Blocks look great Chuck, I will pm you my order..When will you start producing deadeyes??? Tired of the kit ones with the holes all wonky and crooked.
  19. David, plenty of room here, pull up a chair and help yourself to the popcorn! Buck, 7" long and 2" wide...I am NOT liking the smallness at all, makes me feel even more fat-fingered and clumsy than normal!!
  20. Here are the promised pictures. Have the two strakes in along the sheer line, and wow, just those two strakes do make this little thing much more stable. Also have the garboard plank installed. Now working on some edge bends as I will plank from the keel up and see what I get. This is my first time working with basswood this thin. Although it does bend soooo much easier than mahogany and walnut, it really doesn't hold a clean edge at all. I really dislike that fuzziness along the edges. I am hoping that once planked and sanded, the wood conditioner will help tame those fuzzies.
  21. Interesting topic and as Mark said, Adam and Chris covered most of that pretty well. The only thing I would add, is that for any wooden ship builder, the kit HAS to be of something the builder likes for whatever aesthetic reason. Regardless of the builder's skill level, mistakes will inevitably be made...the key is the perseverance to move on from the mistake. IF the ship really never interested the builder they are less likely to rebound from the mistake, or the difficulties and learning curves that also comes with ship building.
  22. Best advice...for me...remove the planking and bend the bulwark by itself. Even though those planking strips are really thin, they do add support and make it harder to bend. looks like a nasty break, if you don't have additional plywood to cut a new one from you have a couple of choices. Buy some sheet basswood from Model Expo and make yourself new ones from that. Second choice, fix what you have. If it were me, I would remove the planking, use wood glue liberally over the broken area, allow to dry for 24 hours then sand the bandaged area. Then I would wet a towel and wrap the bulkwark in a towel and place in the microwave for 30 seconds to 1 min to get it "pliable" . In the meantime make yourself a "frame" of nails that follow the curve you need to acquire. Gently take your softened bulwark and bend it to your nail curve. Use a blowdryer to dry to the shape you need. I am not sure how well the break will hold up, but even a bit of a sharp edge on the broken edge can be sanded smooth and filled with putty and once planked will disappear entirely. Don't give up David, each set back is a learning experience....the worst result of this one is waiting for the basswood sheet from ME
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