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Everything posted by hof00

  1. Hi cdogg, I built this a few years ago and have located some photos. Yup, during various stages of this look less than ideal. I also have a Kit review that I wrote for the Ship Modelling Forum but is 10Mb, so if you want this, send me an address. (No shame in Wood Filler!!) Hope these help. Cheers....HOF.
  2. Hi Chap, Aliphatic Resin, (Selleys), Sandable PVA. The Hull is not too bad, I can live with that as the majority will be painted. Not happy with the Deck but time will tell, so far, the replacement is not too bad but plenty more to go. (Had to make a start!!) Fore and Quarter Deck first, Poop maybe. I'll see if there are major differences. I guess I'll be happier with the build once the Decks are complete, able to move on. Cheers....HOF.
  3. O.k. a few pictures, Deck Replacement.... Doesn't look too Crash Hot at the mo and rather difficult to get Decking to behave. (I'll get there.)
  4. Hi Chris, How's your Build going? Looking forward to my Saturday work on Endeavour, ready for replacing the Decking.(Have been recovering from personal injury.) You?? Sunday, unfortunately, Work.... Cheers....HOF.
  5. Hi Chap, I would like to "Qualify" my statement about 4 years to Rig the C/S, it was actually 4 years of Weekends. I could not work for more than 4 Hours at a time, so 8 Hours per weekend. (X 6.5 years total, about 3,500 hrs?) Patience and perseverance is the key. More than happy see what comes of your awesome build thus far. ("I'll pull up a Chair", as they say. ) Also looking forward to see how you treat the Rig, with or without Sails. (Endeavour is my current subject, Plastic/Wood does not matter as far as I am concerned, it's the same doctrine.) (I do tend to shy away from sails as there are many more Blocks/Lines that go with these. I am led to believe that these items were unshipped when in port.)(19th Century anyway.) Awesome to see what happened with your "Plastic Treatment," Looks fantastic!! Keep up the great work!! Cheers....HOF.
  6. One more thing, Rig "Aft and up." Picked this up from "God knows where" but worked for me thus far. (Braces are different, Aft, Top Down" but you'll get the idea.) All the best and looking forward to your continuing posts. (I'll get the Endeavour revved up soon.) Cheers and Regards, Harry. (HOF.)
  7. If it's any consolation, it took me the best part of four years to rig the Cutty Sark. (Much research, Trial and error.) Used to walk into the "Ship" Room and walk back out if I did not feel or up to the task. Cheers....HOF.
  8. Awesome Build!! Love the way you have executed the "Timber" finish, fantastic!! Gold Leaf, what can I say? Just shows what can be done with the right amount of "Wherewithal." Looking forward to more updates. Cheers....HOF.
  9. Hi Chap, You can choose and I think that your Build thus far is awesome. (Brings back memories.) I Coppered using the Plates that came with the Mantua kit. (Used CA Glue.) You can purchase but ensure that you get at least 2,500!! Alternative, Copper Tape, suitably "Enhanced." From my perspective, the Plates certainly "Enhance" the build, but, personal choice. Cheers....HOF.
  10. Hi Rowan, Your build is looking pretty good!! Currently working on this particular Model also, albeit a little slow at the mo. I have found myself removing the Planking from the Fore and Quater Deck as I got a bit carried away with the sanding/finishing. (Not sure if I'll remove the Poop Deck Planking yet. I have a question for you though, do you have the spacing's of the Stanchions for the Cap Rail? The A/L drawings are no at all clear and I am also struggling with Mast Hole Centres. One other issue is that AOTS shoe six 4 Pounder Cannons but A/L only provide four, these are 25mm in length but it seems that we, (In NZ), can only get our hands on 30mm at the smallest. Thoughts? Cheers....HOF.
  11. Yup, Hit the "Like" button too!! Like everyone else, would like to see the Planking progress and the precision that you have so masterfully executed thus far. (No stress though ) Cheers....HOF.
  12. Ditto "Popeye." Looking forward to seeing your progress Chap!! Cheers....HOF.
  13. Hi Chris, Yup, Things look good with the Stern and the rest of the Hull. (Nice work!!) Hope mine will work out as as good!! The Deck replacement is a mission, after this I can move forward. Good to Chat after a few months. Keep up the awesome work!! (When life doesn't get in the way, of course.) Cheers....HOF.
  14. Looks really good chap!! I'm still stripping of the Decks, Fore/Main Decks, unsure if I'll do the Poop but will probably have to ensure "Consistency." (Have been held up at the mo. with life stuff.) Really like the detail on the Transom/Gallery, fantastic!! (IMO) So, all good "Aficionados" no problem with this, I think my Endeavour will be not 100% accurate, (Definitely not), more of an "Object de art) Keep up the great work. Cheers....HOF. Cheers/....HOF.
  15. Looking rather nice Chap!! I built the older version of the A/L Kit. (Still on the Ship Modelling Forum under HOF00 I believe.) Was my first POB model and enjoyed the experience. Good modifications to the new Kit, pre-drilled Mast Steps, Etc. Are the Chain Clates going through the Monkey Rail on your kit? I modified mine a little, got the Name Plate CNC'd from Bronze and the Scroll work shaped in Brass by a friendly Manufacturing Jeweller. Cheers....HOF.
  16. Thanks Dave, I have some ideas in mind of how I am going to approach this. Hopefully, the coming Weekend will see some progress. (Rework?) Anyway, if I'm not happy with the way it is at present, it's best to have a go at rectifying, I wouldn't be happy if I didn't!! Cheers....HOF.
  17. Looks like the A/L version on Steroids!! Doing well Chap. Cheers....HOF.
  18. Hi Chap, Unfortunately, work is in the way of any time I have last and this weekend. (Gives me more time to "Ruminate." ) Looking to get stuck in next weekend. Cheers....HOF.
  19. Looking good Chris. I seem to be having the same issues as you in my Ship Yard, work etc. Cheers....HOF.
  20. Hi Chap, Welcome to the Forum!! (Esp. Cutty Sark Nuts, Like me!!) That model looks like a cross between Artesania Latina and the Mantua version. (Atesania is smaller scale but same construction method, Mantua is the same scale as yours.) If you use the A/L doctrine for Planking, they advise Stem/Stern Post/Keel after first Planking, then second cover. You may need to score a rebate the same thickness of your second cover, (I'm guessing 0.5mm?), for the Planking to "Slot" into in these components. If Stem/Stern/Keel are added after the second cover you may require a little more filler in places. Personal choice, have a good look/think before deciding what is best for your particular model. Your build looks good!! My second cover was Stem to Stern, as it was painted/Coppered there was no need to make things more complex, me anyway. Happy to offer any assistance. There are a few build logs for the Cutty. (HOF00/Neenad/Markjay) Cheers....HOF.
  21. Hi Chap, Yup, Interested to have a look-see, wot you are up to. Paint? I'll do this so long as the Deck turns out o.k. I like the look of the Freemantle Replica. The weather? El Nino is holding sway at the mo. The longest and hottest Summer that I can remember since I was very young. (I was 7 years old in Eastbourne, Wellington when the Wahinie went down, most of the 53 passengers lost their lives being "Blown" across the Harbour from West to East, Cargo moved, (Being a Roll On - Off Ferry,) Foundered on Barrets Reef at the entrace to Wellington Harbour and ended up on her side, half submerged. For years, there was a Boy we Called "Moaning Minnie" to warn of the wreck while salvours did their stuff. (Very firmly in my mind, cannot forget that day), Cyclone Giselle. 48 Years ago on April 10th this year.) The prevailing wind used to be from the South for many years but now m ore Northerly. Is the weather changing? I am firmly of the opinion that it is. (Not at all out of line Chap, administrators can be the judge.) I live in the Bush so pretty much always Green. Grandstanding perhaps: Carbon Credits/Trading are a little bit of "Lip Service." Anyway, as soon as I get my Decking replacement from Boyd, (Thanks Boyd), I'll be into it once again!! ANZAC Day Monday, Have an extra day off and remember the Fallen. (I don't think there is an "Emoticon" for this.) Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  22. Nice work Chap!! Am waiting on My Deck stuff before I move on, and, when I do, it will be getting the Deck as good as I can. (I do intend to completely remove the old deck material, and yes, at this stage it's going to be "Interesting.") Apologies, not talking about the Liquid Gloss, but filling you in on the build across the Ditch!! (Hopefully not out of line.) Cheers....HOF.
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