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Everything posted by Elijah

  1. She is looking splendid! Is there a swimming pool on this one too?
  2. Oh no! You mentioned rigging! You will get me rushing! I don't believe I will add sails, as that would mean I would need some very fine cloth, a sewing machine, more rigging line, and, most of all, no instructions. I do plan on adding sails next build, but that is thinking way too far ahead. I have to admit, after going sailing a little over a week ago, I am looking forward to rigging. Maybe I should go see Dr. Per. Is Indy 500 a race?
  3. The filler looks good! I look forward to planking!
  4. The aft deck is finished. All I had to do was add the navigation lights and pumps. Next is the fore deck, which the most complicated part will probably be the companionway. I have experience making one, so I doubt this one will take longer. The fore deck is a lot less crowded, so I don't think it will take long. I have already jinxed myself ! Anyway, more later. Here are the pictures. Until next time! P.s. I noticed it looks like there is a splotch of ca on the cap rail next to the belaying pin. I checked, and it is only a shadow. That had me worried !
  5. Most of the parts are simple and only need a little work before installation. They don't take much time, but I think I just might be in a little bit of a hurry. Don't worry! I will slow down !
  6. Good job! Are the bracings considered stanchions?
  7. Your build is looking fantastic! I love the color! Will the boat match the ship?
  8. Thank you all! I have the aft deck nearly finished. The pumps and navigation lights are what are left. I made the bollards, stove pipe, skylight, fife rail, mast coat, and techically "started" the main mast. Really, it is just thinned at the base to fit in the mast hole. The windows are ca, so they are still somewhat shiny, but have a bit of a more dirty look. I had to shrink my self to get some of the photos on deck Until next time! P.S. Yes, the fife rail is a little too close to the skylight. It is a crowded deck!
  9. Hello again! I have completed the cockpit, with the companionway, grating, wheel, and walls. The wheel is not a compound that was moulded. I know this because I broke it into ten pieces, and scattered them all over the floor! It took a while to fix, but I think it worked out pretty well in the end. The roof and seat material is stained Manila folder. Next up are the bollards for the aft deck, the stove pipe, the skylight, and mast coat with fife rail. Sorry, the images are not great. Until next time!
  10. Nice work EJ! Did you mean to use powerless as a pun. Because it makes a good one ?
  11. She is looking beautiful, Bob! It's a good thing that the hurricane didn't hit you!
  12. Nice job with that photo etch! You do a very good job with it!
  13. Nice job! That app is a good idea, I might just check it out .
  14. Hello again! I have finished the launching ways, traveler, and wheelhouse. Next up is the cockpit, wheel, and companionway. The wheelhouse is a block of wood that has been shaped and painted. The blocks are given their color with a minwax stain pencil, by rubbing it on them, and then rubbing them between my palms, spreading the "stain" all over the blocks. The traveler is a piece of wood with a slot carved into it, glued to two wires for legs. I only have a couple pictures right now, but here they are. Until next time!
  15. Nice job! Now that I think of it, the hull must have had to be very sturdy to be able to fire all those guns for a small boat like she is! Nice crew! Did you paint them?
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