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Everything posted by BobG

  1. You've built two beautiful models, closehaul, congratulations! I'm surprised at how much larger the Atlantic is compared to the America.
  2. This is from the latest BlueJacket Newsletter: IT'S TIME Next month I’ll turn 73 years old. For nine years I’ve given my all to BlueJacket. We’ve created 11 new kits, three kits have been brought back and updated, and six kits have been improved. There are also 4 kits on the drawing board. Our newsletter has a fresh new look and now reaches over 5,000 people. Improvements to our facilities include a new roof, new oil tanks, new digital wide-format printer, new computers, new software, and a new website on the horizon. So, now it’s time to pass this historic company to new hands. I'm not going through a commercial broker; I am reaching out to the modeling community because I BELIEVE IT IS VERY IMPORTANT that BlueJacket is led by a modeler who also possesses excellent business skills. In other words, someone with a passion for the products we so carefully create and the drive to build on the tradition of “a proud American company making beautiful ship model kits since 1905!” I‘ll continue in Charlie's footsteps as the voice of the help line and will do repairs and custom work, etc. So, if anyone is interested in the adventure of a lifetime with an historic company, contact me (below) or stop by and we can talk. I have no time-frame and will spend as much time as necessary to find the right person. nic@bluejacket.net or call 207-548-9970
  3. I use Titebond Thick & Quick a lot since it grabs and sets up quicker but not too quick and it doesn't run down vertical surfaces. https://www.amazon.com/Titebond-Quick-Thick-Multi-Surface-2-Pack/dp/B00JEKF1AQ/ref=sr_1_4?crid=2U86Y7Z14YJZI&keywords=titebond+thick+and+quick+glue&qid=1656446419&sprefix=titebond+thick%2Caps%2C161&sr=8-4
  4. BTW, IDK is an acronym for "I don't know." FWIW, all these acronyms are a PITA at times but YMMV! LOL! 🤣 Great work and a wonderful build log, BTW.
  5. Honestly, I don't think that planking can get any better than this, Glenn! Wow!
  6. Magnificent model, Reci! The weathering is wonderful too. Congratulations!
  7. Unfortunately not, Don, I'm sorry to say. I've just been immersed in cycling, gardening and guitar lately. I'm sure the motivation to get back into will return at some point.
  8. I'm so sorry that you have been struggling with some health issues, Bob, but I'm glad to hear that you are now ready to tackle the next chapter of your beautiful Winnie build. A lot of us here on the MSW forum are getting up there in our years and health issues can certainly take the shine off the "golden years" when they occur. I wish you a swift recovery and I look forward to continue following your build log in the weeks ahead.
  9. Great review, Johnny! I hope you will be doing a build log for this wonderful model.
  10. Phil has assembled a treasure trove of information about rigging in his topic. It's outstanding!
  11. I've been reading over this topic again and I can't tell how helpful it is to me. Thank you so much for all the time and energy you have put into these detailed rigging explanations. Simply outstanding and one of the most thorough and useful information sources on rigging that I have ever read on this forum.
  12. Nice job! Thanks for all the photos of the topsail. They are very helpful to me in understanding topsail rigging.
  13. Those are some wonderful models, BE! I do not look forward to cleaning my uncased models either. They're dust magnets but I prefer to display them without being in a case.
  14. Truly exceptional work, David. All of your models look fantastic! Can't wait to follow your next build.
  15. Very nice work, Ilia! She looks great!
  16. Well, Glenn, your eyes must be much better than mine. I can't imagine that it could look any better than that. You're setting the bar very high!
  17. Oh man, a garage with lots of workspace and portable work benches plus a great room for modeling and other hobbies... I'm green with envy! 🤢
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