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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. It will be in the third section down on the home page, Member's Build Logs, in the 1501-1750 kits section.
  2. Looks pretty good so far. Is it your intention to add updates to this topic? If so, then I can move it to the build logs section for you. Cheers!
  3. Thanks, Jack. I knew we had a thread on this topic somewhere.
  4. Which I would do -- except this ship pre-dates the use of sheer poles. Believe me, I thought about using them anyway. Who but the experts at MSW would notice? 😏
  5. Seems like I've seen this question come up before, but darn if I can't find it. The shrouds on my Wuetender Hund want to twist terribly when I attempt to tighten their lanyards - like 3-4 complete turns. Yikes! Tips, please?
  6. Today's progress. Shrouds installed, but still need to finish tying off the hearts. The funky white string in front is a temporary forestay to counter the tension of setting up the shroud lanyards. After shrouds, it's the single forestay and two backstays, then off to running rigging.
  7. The Golden Age of Piracy was before 1750. Definitely put your build log in the 1501-1750 area.
  8. Very convincing gear, as usual. Now all you need is a trawl's worth of fish dumped on deck with a crewman picking out the bycatch! 😉
  9. I'm very pleased to see this build log started. I have enormous respect for David and, despite my near complete absence of any real sailing experience, love the lines and general appearance of a good sailing pram.
  10. Withholding digital plans from a former colony seems a mite petulant. 😅
  11. Okay, this won't go down as the greatest accomplishment in the history of ship modeling, but I'm pretty happy with it. The kit provides brass belaying pins, but instead of the necessary fifteen pins, it only came with eight. Whoops! So I dug around in my spare parts stash and found some leftover wooden belaying pins -- the chunky, over-scale kind. I turned these down with my Dremel tool, a file, and some sandpaper to get something more similar to the brass pins -- not exactly the same, but most of each pin will eventually be hidden under a rope coil, so close enough. They're black because I used Blacken-it on the brass pins and painted the wooden ones to match. What can I say? The captain went with iron pins. The main yard is also turned, but not in the picture. Next up: setting up the shrouds!
  12. Mainmast completed and stepped. Considering that there is only one other spar to turn, plus a couple of flagstaffs, I'm hopeful that the rigging will go relatively quickly. My card model stash in the background grew by one addition today -- but I'll reveal that in the "what have you received today" thread.
  13. Welcome, Bradley, and good luck with your project! I lived in Santa Rosa (Rincon Valley) for four years as a kid. My dad taught at Santa Rosa High School.
  14. I finished the crow's nest and turning the mainmast last night, but as I stained the mast, I noticed that there were obvious sanding scratches left in the wood. So, no picture until after I get a chance to fix that little boo-boo. Cheers!
  15. Folks, I'm giving this topic a bump, and I hope that certain parties (**ahem**) will read it. Again, please don't quote long posts in their entirety, especially if they have LOTS of photos! It wastes page space, and people who already saw those photos in the original post have to scroll all the way past them -- again! Thank you!
  16. Don't sweat that detail. Once the gun is in place and the eyelet is secured to the bulwark, just touch it up with a daub of flat black paint.
  17. Not for this one. I'm not doing any extra detailing -- pretty much a straight out-of-the-box build.
  18. Hopefully completion of this model, building something with wings, and a 10-pt trophy buck.
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