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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. Welcome, ChrisSC, from another Chris in SC!
  2. 'Ello -- nearly three weeks without an update, so here's an update. This project isn't dead -- far from it -- but it got temporarily derailed by a family visit and a higher-priority side project. I did get into the shipyard today to do a little work, but nothing worth a photograph. Cheers!
  3. I don't know which, if any, of Panart's lineup count as "new", but there's a lot of user-friendly kits coming out these days from a variety of sources: Vanguard Models, Amati, Syren Ship Models, Master Korabel, MarisStella, Dusek, CAF, and probably some others that I'm drawing a blank on at the moment. Be sure to browse the clickable ad banners for our sponsors on the home page.
  4. This is an old kit design, and that was pretty much industry standard back in the day.
  5. You guys know that Chris Watton designed those Caldercraft kits, right? They were his early work, and as has been remarked elsewhere, he continues to up his game with each new kit release.
  6. Welcome!
  7. Welcome aboard! I'm not sure about a half-fuselage model of an aircraft. Half-hull models are nothing unusual, but something about a half-airplane doesn't seem quite right. 😉
  8. Please note that situations like this are why we have the "Banned Manufacturers" topic -- to educate folks about the intellectual property crimes perpetrated by certain unscrupulous kit makers, hopefully before those folks make a purchase unawares. Help spread the word.
  9. Be advised, SC (Shi Cheng) is on our banned manufacturers list. ALL Black Pearl kits currently coming out of China are unlicensed products and thus constitute infringement of copyrighted Disney intellectual property. Please read: The Shi Cheng kit happens to be copied from the licensed Hachette kit designed by Chris Watton.
  10. Well, that is a bummer. I have had to bin my fair share of card models, but they typically have consumed less time and monetary effort.
  11. I don't see that when I view your page. Perhaps an issue with the way your display is set up?
  12. This is simply an alternative method for modelers who are less concerned about authenticity or who perhaps lack the skills for spiling planks. If a neatly finished hull is painted, planking seams may not even be visible. BTW, your first layer turned out very nice!
  13. Which is partly why, as nice as Chris' kits are, I'll not be buying one in the near future. After all, I've still got HMS Fly on a shelf, started in 2006 and still waiting ...
  14. Welcome aboard! Your progress so far looks good.
  15. We try to encourage ship models of every kind, though most of what you'll see is indeed wooden period ships.
  16. And that is what one sees, for example, in pictures of Star of India before she recently got her decking replaced. Prior to that, her deck was a muted grayish-tan.
  17. If you search the Internet for images of POB II, you'll see that her decking is dark reddish-brown. I don't know what kind of wood is used on the real ship (you can probably find that online somewhere, too), but if you are gunning for authenticity, then a dark stain such as red mahogany would be in order. Personally, I don't care for dark-colored decks on models and would be tempted to replace basswood deck strips with something like holly, but again that's a personal preference.
  18. Are you staining the deck only or the entire hull?
  19. Hello, Alexander! This is a great time to be a fan of Mediterranean ships, especially with all of the excellent kits coming out of MarisStella in Croatia. Cheers!
  20. That's over 8 months of full-time work. It's just one R&D expense that is bypassed by knock-off kit manufacturers and conveniently overlooked by some ship modeling sites.
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