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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. Ernie, Every time I see your avatar I think of this statue in Eureka, California, near my hometown. It commemorates all the fishermen lost at sea.
  2. I have the P-6E in the same squadron markings in 1/33 scale card format. Kinda low on my build priority list, though, despite the cool color scheme.
  3. I've had my Sassafras 12 kit in the garage for a few months now. I'm actually a little intimidated by it -- since it's full-sized, I can't simply order another kit if I booger this one.
  4. I used to have 22 in my basement. It was a recipe for burn-out. Now I have none. 😁
  5. Hello, OF. A good way to get a feel for good beginner models is to look at what other beginners have completed as their first projects. You can click here to see a list of such projects. Take note of what the finished build logs have in common: most are smallcraft with simple rigs, and three-masted, full-rigged ships are the exception rather than the norm. Also, read our Cautionary Tale post, if you haven't already. Cheers!
  6. Welcome! You finished your first model, and that is the most important thing. And besides, it looks good, too! Cheers!
  7. That sums up my knowledge of them as well.
  8. I appreciate the little things in the design, like having the tick marks at the stem and stern to guide affixing the planks. But the system isn't 100% foolproof -- there's a little bit of wiggle room in where to glue the false stem and stern posts, and that can effect how the planks are laid. I'm just hoping that in my WH build that I've got everything close enough, and that error creep won't become a major factor. It's a good thing that this isn't a Halinski kit -- with Halinski, the design tolerances are so tight that if you get off by even a fraction of a millimeter, you're in deep, deep doo-doo.
  9. In Mariposa County, California, where I used to live, the winding Highway 49 North traversed the very deep Merced River gorge, with no guard rails. I once asked a friend of mine in the sheriff's office how many vehicles were somewhere down in the canyon out of sight from the road and beyond the reach of tow cables; his answer was something along the lines of "more than people realize."
  10. I'm going to agree with Jonny, who has rightly observed that the Bounty is not an ideal kit for a beginner. A larger problem as I see it is the "month or two" time frame that you mentioned. Some of our members who are retired and also seasoned model makers can pull off something like that in a month or two, but you are looking at a project that will take you a minimum of several hundred hours to complete, even you knew what you were doing. As a beginner, it will likely take much longer. Jonny's suggestion about the longboat is a good one. It's been a popular beginner's kit around here. Cheers!
  11. Welcome!
  12. Reached a milestone of sorts today. The hull planking can be roughly divided into lower hull and upper hull, and I have finished the lower part -- the upper hull planking requires the installation of the upper stem and stern posts before proceeding. This brings us to the 12th page of the instruction booklet 😊 -- out of 39 pages 🥺 .
  13. Welcome, Bill. With the aid of Chuck's practicum, you can achieve a great result. Have fun!
  14. Very nice! I owned this kit many years ago, but never got around to building it. I'm looking forward to seeing more progress on it. Cheers!
  15. Per Google Translate (which apparently is also not 100% fluent in Japanese): Thank you for rating. It is 1/100 made by Corel. Repeatedly deforming and omitting details. The Stan side is currently under consideration.
  16. Welcome! Dromon, eh? Then you need to read through this build log. Enjoy!
  17. It's not. I'm guessing that's just a suggestion in the manufacturer's instructions. Wood glue will do the job just fine, and you can clamp the piece to make sure it fits snugly to the curve.
  18. Here's the cased model in its natural setting. It's pretty small, even in a case!
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