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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. I appreciated your comments about "only four" guns to rig. Repetitive tasks is one of my biggest dislikes in modeling, and I really had to push myself to get a mere 16 guns rigged on HMS Fly. I think I would go quite mad having to do anything more than that.
  2. Pre-cut planking - now there is something you don't see every day in a kit like this. Looks like it is coming together quite nicely.
  3. Well, as if I don't have enough projects waiting in the wings ... Freedom Song Boatworks came to my attention many years ago. Frankly, I find their list prices to be a bit steep, considering what comes in their kits according to their product descriptions (e.g. printed parts -- really? In 2014?), but they have some unique offerings of American small sailing craft. So, for some years now I have had them on my eBay alerts list, but usually it is one of FSB's R/C designs that has come up for auction. But, finally, today I was alerted that a kit of Evangeline, a Tancook whaler, had been listed, so I snapped it up. When I get around to building her, I will probably do some research with the goal of super-detailing the basic kit. I'm very interested to see how one of these FSB kits stack up against the superb offerings from Midwest Products. I will post a review of the kit when it arrives sometime in the next week or so. Cheers!
  4. OK, somewhere back there I totally failed to pick up on how small this model will be! That's some pretty fine work there!
  5. Augie, I ordered the regular blades in bulk, but added a few of the ZrN blades to try out as well. I'll report back later.
  6. Hood is indeed one of Halinski's early releases. The really top-shelf stuff we now take for granted from Halinski started rolling off the presses around 2002.
  7. Anyone have experience with these, good or bad? It's time for me to order more blades, and I wonder if the new 'wonder blades' are worth the extra moolah (about 31 cents per blade versus 17 cents for plain ol' blades).
  8. With Shipyard, one gets a variety of choices: kit alone, formers alone, plans alone, kit plus formers, and 'complete kits', which include parts, paint, details, rigging, the works. So at the GPM site, for example, the kits labeled "laser cardboard" are indeed the complete kits -- everything is included. Price goes up accordingly as well. Personally, I prefer my wooden subjects to be modeled in wood, especially if I'm going to fork over that much cash. But, as we have all seen at this site, Doris works wonders with wood subjects built in card, so to each their own. Cheers!
  9. I can attest to the methods described by Alistair, as I also use brushing for large paint areas. Especially what he said about not scrimping on brush quality -- they're one thing I have found that you DO get what you pay for. Get good ones, treat them nice, and they'll serve you well for years.
  10. Jase, Have a look at this article in the database. Hope this will help. Regards,
  11. Pegasus is essentially an upgraded Fly kit. Most of the details that come standard in the Pegasus kit must be purchased separately for Fly, thus the difference in price. Either will build into a very nice model.
  12. Have you tried contacting Bluejacket directly? Also, Al Ross, who I believe designed the kit, is a member here (alross2), though not very active -- try sending him a p.m.
  13. Hi. I just noticed the 'CARD' tag on the title of this thread, so I had a look through it. I see you are discovering all the joys and agonies of paper! But your experience makes a very valid argument in favor of paper, namely the relative ease and low cost of starting over, if necessary. There is a learning curve for this medium, and one can already see much improvement between your first few pics and your more recent posts. Keep at it -- your future efforts will be better still! Cheers!
  14. Yep, I checked over there a month or so ago, at which time the web site had not been completely updated. Difficult to be upset, though, since most of these designers do this sort of thing as a side job, so they're under no obligation to adhere to anyone's schedule but their own.
  15. Pardon me if you answered this somewhere already, but didn't Bismarck have eight 37 mm twin mounts? That would mean you have two spares in the works. Which is not bad, of course, considering how delicate these fine brass parts can be.
  16. I have seen several completed Woody Joe models and can vouch for the quality of the finished product, but I've never seen an actual unbuilt kit in the box up and close. I do know that Japanese modelers tend to be very meticulous and would expect models aimed at that market to be pretty good.
  17. That's dedication to craftsmanship, Mark. Good luck on the Mk II!
  18. I've been an advocate of penciled panel lines and glued boltropes for years. Properly sewn sails certainly don't look bad on a model, but the actual-size sitching of real sails can't be duplicated in the scales we work at, and besides such lines are practically invisible at scale viewing distances. Cheers!
  19. Chris Watton designed both kits, so both of them will have similar design concepts. However, Chris being the innovator he is, he has regularly made improvements to his designs with each new issue, and that will be reflected in the Vanguard kit, since it is by far the newer of the two. I have the Amati/Victory Models Fly kit in progress and can tell you honestly it is a great kit. But like any kit, it has compromises and can be improved upon by any modeller wishing to do a little extra research and work. Same is most likely true for Vanguard. I have also built a Caldercraft kit, and it was a great kit, too. So, bottom line is both are good kits, but both can be taken up a notch, especially since you say you have experience scratching parts. The deciding factor may well be how much model do you want to commit to? One is a frigate, the other is a ship of the line with all that entails. Either of them will be a long-term project, so I'd go with whichever one set my heart to beating just that much faster. Cheers!
  20. The Victory Models line, a subsidiary of Amati and of which the Lady Nelson is a part, is an excellent range of kits. Cutters make good first models, and there are many build logs of cutters here at MSW to peruse for tips.
  21. Darr, Nature Coast Hobby Shop also sells this sort of kit/tool combo. Personally, I would be cautious about buying something like this, as the tools included might or might not be something your dad would find useful, and for the prices listed you can probably buy a kit and some basic tools for less. If your dad has not modeled anything in a while, I'd recommend one of the kits from Midwest Products to get old skills back up to speed. These kits are inexpensive (and can usually be found on eBay for significantly less than retail), have good instructions, and always include a thorough list of needed tools, some of which are likely already in your dad's house somewhere. Kind regards,
  22. Nice photographs, and interesting to have a personal connection to the subject matter. Your ancestor's ship has very fine lines - I can imagine she was a fast sailer. Regards,
  23. I think the fact that I keep wondering, "How did she do that?" when I see your work speaks volumes about your abilities. Very impressive! Cheers!
  24. If you are speaking of Galt, California, then I can't say that I envy them too much, since I have lived in the mountains most of my life and lovingly refer to residents of the Sacramento - San Joaquin valley as 'flatlanders'. (My parents grew up in Stockton, just a few miles south of there, and I still have many relatives in the area.) As for 'American livery', common practice for that time seems to have been a black hull (with possibly white across the gun ports) and green inner bulwarks, maybe coppering below the waterline. This would all be conjectural, since if I remember my reading correctly, she wasn't actually taken into service. The kit will also not have any sail material in it, but it would not be difficult to make up a set and rig them for Ballahoo, as she had a very simple rig. Cheers!
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