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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. It helps when each stabilizer skin is a single piece -- no seams! Also, Mr. Dworzecki is a master graphic artist.
  2. Horizontal stabilizers skinned. Working on the elevators now. Same as for the rudder, there is no internal framing -- but there is a lot of fiddly folding, rolling, and gluing. Pics later. Cheers!
  3. You're off to a good start. Two tidbits of information regarding photos: 1) We have an onboard photo resizer -- the control panel for that will pop up when you double-click on the photo after you insert it; 2) You can add multiple photos to each post if you'd like. Cheers! P.S. Photo size is a matter of taste. I resize all of my photos to 640 x whatever to keep them a uniform width -- medium-sized photos seem just about right to my eye.
  4. Update: Fillets are done. These are always a tricky part of any airplane build, and these were even trickier than usual because there is a cutout for the wheel wells that leaves a strip only about 1 mm wide at that point for attachment. And now we go back to the empennage. So far, I have only finished off the internal frames for the horizontal stabilizers. That's all for now!
  5. Someone with personal knowledge of this kit can correct me if I'm wrong, but I suspect that this kit isn't 'planked' in a manner that will be applicable to the more usual POB or POF types of models. It is probably built over a mold, and the internal structure is added after the basic hull is removed from the mold. Cool boat, though.
  6. Check this pinned topic for a reminder. But don't fret -- I don't keep a record of past violations! 😉
  7. I've taken to using canopy glue as my all-purpose glue for card modeling. It sets quickly, so holding or clamping is not an issue.
  8. Welcome aboard! Where are you ex-patting from/to?
  9. I have found WAK to be one of the fastest and most reliable shippers from Poland, and with the lowest shipping rates.
  10. Excellent result, Bruce! The crew and catch add a nice dash of visual interest. Cheers!
  11. Hey, Halinski still intimidates me, and I have many finished models under my belt! BTW, which version did you get, Flying Tigers or RAF North Africa?
  12. Wow, great job! (I had to delete your tags, though. We don't use tags other than 'done' in this area.)
  13. Welcome aboard!
  14. I'm not sure what they applied, but it's supposed to replace some of the binding agents that are lost from the original pavement due to wear and exposure.
  15. First step in making the wings was adding the remaining internal frames. Each skin is a single piece, shaped, folded, and glued with the help of a joiner strip. Each wing structure is then slipped into its finished sheath. No fillets have been added yet. That's it for now.
  16. A bit more progress. I needed to take a slight detour and make the rudder so that I could confirm the positioning of the vertical stabilizer skin. Unlike many kits, the rudder has no internal framing. And then the vertical stabilizer was skinned. And that's it for the moment. Next up will be the wings' internal framing, but first I need to take a break and watch the Champions League final (I'm strictly a neutral for this match).
  17. Good luck on this project! I built the 1/100 scale Agassiz from Modelik many years ago. I also have the HMV kit of USS England on pause; it's another product of Agassiz's designer, Darius Lipinski. He has a few 3D-printed parts available for Agassiz at his Shapeways store. https://www.shapeways.com/product/AWDN9DUAN/agassiz-js-0005-upgrade-for-paper-model?optionId=62825248&li=marketplace
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