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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. Welcome aboard, Jack. Visiting Ages of Sail will be a real treat -- they have quite the inventory and should be able to steer you in the direction of suitable beginner kits. For future reference, one of our sponsors, Crafty Sailor, is located in Canada and has free shipping on orders over US$150. Cheers!
  2. Some European kit makers have a penchant for producing kits that are based on a type of vessel rather than a specific ship. They then give the ship a fanciful name and make up an equally fanciful history for it. It's often difficult to figure out where exactly they got their source material.
  3. Yes, but that's not the subject of the OcCre Polaris.
  4. Hello, J, and welcome aboard. The early Caldercraft releases, while good kits, do not have extensive instructions. Another UK manufacturer that offers several suitable beginner-level kits with great instructions is Vanguard Models. One of the best ways to scout for good beginner kits is to browse the kit build logs section. Look for any build log that is tagged "first build." Clicking that tag will pull up a list of all first-time build logs. Then look for those that are tagged "finished" -- that will show you which kits beginners were actually able to complete. Enjoy shopping for your project!
  5. Welcome, Giuseppe! I don't know if you are interested in card models at all, but the Ukrainian publisher Orel offers a kit of Fram in 1/100 scale. https://papermodeling.net/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=714&search=fram
  6. Eight years, eh? Don't feel bad -- I still have my incomplete HMS Fly that I started in 2006. 😧
  7. Congratulations, Rich! I took the liberty of marking this build 'finished' -- hope I didn't jump the gun.
  8. Sorry to hijack the knitting thread (see what I did there?), but it's time for a modeling update. I haven't been idle these past few days -- it's just that I have been dealing with the typically insane parts count of even a 'simpler' Halinski kit. The horizontal stabilizers, elevators, struts, and rudder linkages consisted of 51 parts. Whew!! Because the vertical stabilizer is crooked, as reported earlier, the horizontal stabilizers are also slightly crooked, but not badly so -- just gonna have to live with it. BTW, the total surface area of the 109's horizontal tail surfaces is lilliputian compared to that of the F6F -- the area of the 109's two stabilizers together might equal that of just one on the Hellcat. Cheers!
  9. Welcome aboard, Jerry!
  10. I will answer those questions for you, since I'm the one who moved your topic. As you admitted, it is not a ship model, so the build log sections were not the right place. I admit that I wrestled with where to move your project -- it's one of those projects we get from time to time that doesn't fit neatly into one of our established sub-forums. It then becomes a judgment call about where to place it. If I'd left it in the build logs area, I'm sure some members would have wondered why a non-model was in that area. You can see the dilemma. The reason why we have that non-ship sub-forum "at all" is because members asked for it, and as you can see it is a popular feature at our forum. And your build log is no more "buried" in that area than in any other part of our site. I use the "all unread content since my last visit" feature and your topic came right up. The reason why I marked your project as finished is because it did appear to be finished, and it is not uncommon for members to not mark their projects finished when they are done with them. Again, it's a judgment call.
  11. I love the Buffalo! I built a 1/72 scale kit as a kid, have the finished Kartonowa Kolekcja version in my display case, boogered the Halinski version (Finnish aircraft), and have a replacement Halinski kit in my stash.
  12. Oh, Mike, Mike, Mike . . . if I were to share more of the work of the True Masters of this medium (a group that does not yet include me), we'd all quit and take up knitting. 😂 Anyways, I have hung the rudder. I canted it a bit to starboard -- that creates the visual illusion that the vertical stabilizer isn't quite so crooked.
  13. The vertical stabilizer has been added. It has a substantial amount of substructure, as can also be seen for the rudder. Unhappily for me, the stabilizer is noticeably crooked -- a fact I failed to notice until after the glue had well and truly set. This will subsequently require the judicious use of flattering camera angles.
  14. Shoot a pm to MSW member greenstone. He works for the company.
  15. Hi, Dan. For the kit, there is a section for general kit discussions. For parts, use the tips & techniques section. There is a section for painting as well. Most of what you need to ask you can probably ask within your build log, should you choose to start one. Cheers!
  16. Parts are dampened first and then carefully formed over a variety of tools -- whatever has the right shape and diameter. Nope. I always have to be careful afterwards about where my forgetful fingers grip the thing.
  17. Various covers in place -- it was hard to find an angle that showed all of them. And a standoff view . . . Next up is constructing the aft fuselage.
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