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Everything posted by newbuilder101

  1. More progress....great! We all had better get going to catch up with you. She really is looking good and impressive with those tall masts!
  2. This is the first time I have seen your build log and it is truly amazing! Your work is exceptionally clean and crisp and your attention to detail is wonderful! I have really enjoyed all your photos, especially the ones from within the hull...it truly looks like a full size ship!
  3. She's really looking great Sjors! The bowsprit is super! Every bit you add brings her more to life. (more, more more)
  4. Your Harriet Lane is looking great! Hopefully no more broken bits...such a sickening feeling when you hear something go 'snap'
  5. Will this second interview also be the final one? I'm sure everything will go as well in this interview as the first one - good luck!
  6. This is the first time stopping by your build...WOW! I thought of a wonderful list of adjectives for your craftsmanship, but all that came out was Wow!
  7. Just gets better and better every time I stop by! Great job! The sail looks really good attached to the mast as well.
  8. Wow! You have been busy! She's looking very, very nice!!
  9. Okay...save some fish for me. Preferably trout. As for your next build Augie...I'm sure whatever you choose, it will be terrific like your Syren!
  10. The linings, guns and breech ropes all look great. I can already tell she's going to be a beauty!
  11. Oh...I really like the new ropework! You're right about the contrast too - looks great!
  12. Russ: Thank-you! When I was building my Mayflower I didn't have everything faired as I should have before starting the planking. This meant scraping and sanding between courses of planks...not easy, and lesson learned! Michael: Thank-you as well! Sjors: Thank-you for the "few more" words. I have lots of pictures so I can remember what it looks like after I cover it up...she wouldn't be very seaworthy if I left her like this! Carl: Thank-you! I guess it wasn't a small update after all...just not many pictures. Popeye: Thank-you! I am pleased with the "framed out" version as well.
  13. I agree...everything's looking great. I think the door looks better inset too!
  14. I agree with everyone - just fabulous, and WOW! It is hard to find the right words for your build...exceptional work!
  15. Mark: Thanks for the word! Augie: Thanks for the two words! Jeff: Thanks! Yes, I'm using the Mantua plans.
  16. Another small update. This is just a dry fit again...don't want to fix anything permanently until all the bulkheads have been faired (at least partially) and the decks are cut and test-fitted.
  17. Adrieke: Thanks for stopping by! You're right about scratch building parts, and hopefully I won't have to re-make too many of them! Piet: Thank-you for the good wishes for my family...they are doing better! Thanks for the kind words on the build as well. You're right about Remco's little adage! I always read it when I'm looking at his updates - good advice. Sjors: Thank-you! I'm glad you like what you see! If Anja gets a saw, you could use it too though. Remco: Thank-you for your kind words! I must confess that milling some of my own wood was out of necessity. I can't find the correct thickness of wood nearby, and ordering it would be much more expensive. We already have a workshop with the tools for the job, so it made sense to mill. I have a suspicion that if you milled your own wood it would be perfect. Popeye: Thank-you for the kind comments! Sorry your scroll saw didn't turn out to be all you expected it should be - I was just so lucky with mine.
  18. Just went throught the last couple of pages of your log...everything looks great.
  19. Beautiful ship Augie! The rigging just seems to make her come alive!
  20. That's right Carl. I'm sure there isn't anyone here on MSW that has built a model "wihtout a hitch".
  21. Everything is looking great Sjors! I had to put sunglasses on to view all those nice shiny decorations.
  22. Augie... As for the Exacto knife...without it my Mayflower probably wouldn't exist.
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