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Everything posted by amateur

  1. You prefer oob? Sometimes I wonder...... You could have finished at least four well build (above average, I'm sure) oob's in all your tinkering time. I have to say: I'm still wondering were this mega-project will lead us.... Jan
  2. you flipped her over, cranes are on the starboard side
  3. four sisters, how on earth should we decide which one you encountered .... (she' sbuilding an offshore windmill park, by the looks of it ; ) Jan
  4. hmmmm... four masted barque, 1880. Lots to choose from Jan
  5. Konstantin, According to wikipedia, Gary's picture shows the 'Duke of Wellington' Jan
  6. For the record: I mirrored it to gain some time. It is indeed Gelderland as refitted by the Germans into Niobe. Jan
  7. And I didn't even google the picture, I just knew Next one is something completely different Jan
  8. I did a check: in 1970/71/72, Van Beylen did a number of articles in De Modelbouwer (monthly journal issued by the NVM) on building a botter. This series is now (slightly) editied and issued as a booklet by Lanasta. Jan
  9. golden jubilee, barge, spirit of something, I'll be back in a minute
  10. I suggest that Dafi will also do a 'cleared for action' version of Vic. Same man but ready for battle. Next there will be a version 'Vic by night', all men in their hammocks (apart from the men of the watch, that is) Jan
  11. 'bom apetite"? There's nothing on my plate!!! Cook has to come yet. I presume? Jan
  12. The cabin is not found by Google.... There should be hundreds of these around: every line and liner had such pics around. (recently saw quite a bunch of these from the HAL) But perhaps we should consider giving Anja a go, before wandering off in all (albeit interesting) directions? Jan
  13. I still don't understand why mamoli has installed rubbing strakes on the hull. It is completely 'undutch'.... Nevertheless: she's turning into a nice lady! Jan
  14. The round holes in the ice do give it away, otherwise it is just like the real thing! You did not go for a couple of iron-capped mooring poles? Probably you're right: given the size of the ships, that may be overkil Jan
  15. I did not know that rubber duckies had a name (it's Dutch btw) Jan
  16. That would be great! If the scale is not in the 1:48 range, I would certainly consider buying. There is a set of drawings around from the Lelystad Werf were they do the replica (Drazen is using that set for building is model of the ZP) btw: this painting is also coming from Lelystad, it is an artist impression of the replica afloat. Jan
  17. Figured that one out after realizing that there was more than one ship involved.... Jan
  18. The present dykes (both height and slope) are not representative for the period you are displaying: after the floods in 1916 and 1953 there were reforms in the design of the Dutch dykes, leading to higher dykes, and less steep slopes. (the so-called deltadijken) These changes affected both river- and sea-dykes. Before the 1916-flood, some dykes were not higher than 3 meters above normal water levels (NAP). Jan
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