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Everything posted by Remcohe

  1. Very nice planking Bob, Il like the subtle differences in the shades of the holy. Remco
  2. Piet, given your current scheme the post should be green and not red, as the last band below the post is already red. The caprail yellow and if you can pul it of a thin yellow band below the posts. Or if you are opening the paint cans anyway you can alter the whole scheme to something like the Batavia. Remco
  3. Mark, I think it might work. Although a file would probably fill up very quickly so maybe you want to adapt a regular cutting tool and turn the duplicator 90 degrees and feed the tool from the side as usual. only one way to find out... Remco
  4. Thanks all for your very generous comments! Mike Y and Pat figured it out, I expected more of you would have Here is the setup on my Sherline It takes some practice to get it right as it is not an exact science. The inner diameter of the tube is a bit bigger than the stock so in the beginning it will flex under the pressure of the file, once the spoke gets thinner it will push against the file due to the centrifugal force. Practice makes perfect as always. After today no more spokes, I accidentally bumped into the jig and broke it :-( Remco ps TFFM refers to the excellent collection of books The fully framed model vol 1-4 by David Antscherl and Greg Herbert
  5. And now for something completely different. I took a break from the tedious deck work, intrigued by Garus' steering wheel on his excellent Victory and especially his duplicating device, I build the steering wheel. Using the technique described in TFFM 2 and 3. Not easy but lots of fun, frustration and multiple redo's later, the results: Remco
  6. It all turned out beautiful in the end. Oh yes and "measure twice, cut once" and all the other hard earned lessons we all learned over the years. Still I tend to forget them very quickly and I don't know why. Maybe a shipwright is stubborn, luckily I'm very skilled at redo's ;-) Remco
  7. That sure looks great Greg. Do you have a picture of the finished stove, it would be a pity if we couldn't admire the result. Happy Thanksgiving. Remco
  8. Excellent. Great tip to use a hollow template for the spokes. Remco
  9. Really great. Not easy to have the beam ends fit snug against the hull, especially where the hull starts to curve in two directions. You did an excellent job. Remco
  10. I see you're having way to much fun. Great cooker. Remco
  11. Looking very good Piet. Not easy to rig those guns under the poopdeck! Remco
  12. So you're doing a good job from my point of view. Best wishes for the Admiral. Remco
  13. Jan, I don't remember where I got it. I probably bit the bullet regarding the shipping costs. I searched for you and if you get it from amazon (uk) the shipping costs are ok: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Extended-Liver-Sulfur-Patina-Oxidation/dp/B004PLZ4SS Remco
  14. I made an error in the building sequence and I should have installed the main mastpartner earlier. Now I got a bit into trouble getting it in at this stage. I had to take a shortcut and omitted half lapping the carlings under the deck beam. After the gratings are installed this won't be visible, but I'm confessing this error anyway :-) Getting the pump tubes right was a bit of trial and error but after not to much work they were in place without to much hassle, I guess I was lucky today. I added iron bands at the end of the tubes from thin paper. Remco
  15. I like how the 'blackened' strops turned out, much better than having them really black, this looks more convincing. Remco
  16. I really admire the detail you are putting in these little workboats. It's a joy to watch you work. Remco
  17. The 3 holes look great Rusty, indeed no easy task. Remco
  18. Nice port Mike. I don't think there is a silver bullet to do this, maybe the closest thing might be 'patience' Remco
  19. Very nice progress Ed! Though I thought the same as Jan, quite a hazardous setup IMHO. I prefer to use a table saw to performs such cuts. Safer and faster if you take the time to set up a simple jig. Remco
  20. That's it Piet. Maybe Gwen has a sewing needle that has the correct size? What size are you looking for? Remco
  21. Piet, nice going. You can also twist the wire around a small drillbit the size of the eyelet you need in the end. You clamp the bit upright in a vise, much easier and the same eyelet each and every time :-) Remco
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