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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. The gentleman and I along with several others brought this model and case into the contest in Manitowoc and we had to go through the service and supply exit. David B
  2. Nice work. I am still wondering how you are going to incase it and then move it out of your work shop. David B
  3. Mamoli's model of the Royal Louis is based on the 1780 build of the French 1st rate. However as I wrote above a friend of mine built it years ago and found many errors in the kit. There were several 1rst rates of this vessel. He said that the Mamoli version carried aspects of all of them. It makes into a nice and impressive model out of the box and makes a good model to build on if you wish to do some research. David B
  4. I would not building larger but I am hampered by size and space. David B
  5. The next part of this build was to build up the smoke stacks. After cutting out the bottom have I had trouble lining the pieces up so I cut around the parts and glued one of them to a backer of paper and then glued the other one next to it and trimmed them to fit. I also added a strip tab to edge glue the part together. This worked out very well The top half was done bacically the same way Then they were asembled and applied to the model. So far so good less do overs and learning a little more. David B
  6. I will be reasonable on the beer sales. I will make it up on the pizza and dogs. David B
  7. Ed, I remember you starting this project and how flimsy everything looked and was always amazed at how you kept everything together. And now it looks like it could weather a spring storm on the great lakes. Magnificent work. David B
  8. I hope everything goes well. I go next week for a 3 week procedure to extract and harvest stem cells. David B
  9. I have a friend who built the Royal Louis years ago. It finishes into a nice model. But the size, difficulty and the price would put most people off. David B
  10. Looks like you are going to be putting on quite a performance. But after several favorable reviews on your past shows. This one will be a blockbuster. If I had the concession for this show I would be making a killing. David B
  11. Just got a look on your build Mundie, you picked a good model to work on. There are many here who have done it, so you will be getting good advice. Since the bulkheads are basswood and fragile you should think about filling the space in between them to prevent breakage. This will also make it easy to fare the hull before planking. David B
  12. Popjack, have you tried putting your thread in some fabric softener and letting it sit? This removes the memory and stiffness from most line. David B
  13. Many times the book is in good conditon. I buy books to read not to look at. David b
  14. To bad the book was not the one you needed. But I know you will find a way to get the job done. DavidB
  15. Don't you just hate it when Murphy decides to make a visit. David B
  16. That is a lot of sawdust. And you are just getting started. May your saw blade stay sharp David B
  17. Once the paddle wheels were put in I took care of the navigation roof and the galley. This part was pretty straight forward but once more the blade had to be very sharp to get a clean cut. David B
  18. What kind of wood are you using? David B
  19. Goodwin's book will help you out a lot. My advice would be to go through the book first. Then you will have a good idea on how to proceed. The Alert makes into a nice model. David B
  20. Ed.when you are done with this model please bring it to Manitowoc if you can I truly believe everyone will be amazed at the workmanship and the detail you are putting in it. David B
  21. You are getting there. What some have done is use xacto chisels honed to razor edge instead of a knife this gives them more control. Da vid B
  22. I agree with Druxey, this would make an interesting article for the Journal. Hint Hint. David B
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