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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. You plcked a good model to start on. It makes into a nice lookingmodel and is open to all kinds of modification. David B
  2. Stick with it Tim. Plankins a hull is a demanding process but the end really pays off. When you are done make up some test sample and experiment with differnet stains and varnished to what you like. David B
  3. Marc, I have sent photos of thid model to both Doc and Bob F. and both were surprised. They know it is a card model but find it hard to believe. David B
  4. What kind of foil are you using and whee do you buy it. Inquiring minds want to know. Fantastic work. David B
  5. I have never used beeswax for a finish before I will put that down for the future. I have rarely seen a vessel of this type built with this kind of detail. I hope Ed writes a book. David B
  6. Ed, are you applying a finish as you are going along? With the amount of detail in this model it must be a bearcat when deciding when and where to apply any stain or varnish. I know I would have a hard time deciding when. If you go to far you cannot apply anything and to soon attaching pieces becomes difficult. David B
  7. Fantastic build Nils I enjoyed your build log. I am waiting with anticipation for your next build. David B
  8. Steve if you decide to paint try an airbrush. This will lay donw a very thin layer of paint so you do not hide your workmanship. David B
  9. Off to a nice start. My sister teaches in Waterloo special needs children. When she comes home she is up half the night doing school work for the next days classes. David B
  10. The problem inthis hobby is that good books are not cheap. When I went to the conferences. Seawatch knew I would be dropping by and there went my budget. David B
  11. I have a question. Why did you paint the model blacik? David B
  12. Fantastic work. Did you make a mold for your emblems? David B
  13. I would have to say the same thing. Are you using pixie blacksmiths to do your straps? David B
  14. Your joinery is wonderful. Keep ou the good work. David B
  15. We love having Ozzie come he always surprises with the quality of his work . I hope he can make it this year. Please let him know I wont be able to be there this year because of my treatments thus I wont be able to make him a photo cd. I am sure he has shown them around. David B
  16. My apologies Steve I was asking Andy. The University of Iowa is inIowa City. I will be going near the end of the month. David B
  17. Looking great Dan. My advice would be to take it easy have a few beers and rest. To bad you cannot bring it to Manitowoc. David B
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