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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. Razors work great. I havealso used the little paint scraper by Red Devil. David B
  2. Nice files. My memory is shorting out as a result I forget the number correlation for coarseness. David B
  3. Ed, you have to much courage. I would have been afraid of damaging those frames. Nicely done and a toast at the nearest bar. Beutifully executed. Everytime you post I learnsomething new . David B
  4. Marc, do youself a favor and get the biggest size you can find. You can airbrush it right out of the bottle. If not sure ask Kurt or Dan. David B
  5. The keel and the bulkheads are the backbone and shape on this kit. Make sure that they line up properly with the plans. Check from the bottom up. Then look over the top where the false deck comes in. The curve you will see will be the camber and the sheer. The formers help to keep everything lined up. David B
  6. Marvelous metal working.I loved your dissertation. You should save it and try to get it in the Journal. Your post should be a keeper for anyone who likes to read about the research and knowledge behind ones actions. Bravo! David B
  7. Once you get close to the template install the blocks. Then grab a sanding block and some veneer stripping for fittingand shape the block truing as you go. You can always add a little filler if you take off too much. David B
  8. You are now entering the eerie zone. You will now saw and sand and waver. Did you sand to much did you cut correct. You are now starting down the path of no return. David B
  9. Marc Dulcoat is made by testors. It is a flat laquer that removes any and all shiney spots. David B
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