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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. I have been partial to MINWAX Walnut and Old Oak for a more strained look. David B
  2. What I have done is run a line through a dozen of them at a time then a dip in stain. I then hang them up to dry. I then buff them with a felt heel pad. Leaves a nice finish. David B
  3. I bought that book from Friedman at the last NRG Conference. It is worth every penny. I brought it with me to Raymond. A third time read is a charm. Get it you will love it. David B
  4. II know many modelers who use ebovy. It is a nice looking i. wood. However it is too hard and messy for me. I would rather use pear and ebonize it
  5. Chattter usually means that the feed rate ot the tool bit are not positoned propoerly. Have you checked into this? David B
  6. All comments are appreciated. As I said before not perfect. I had a feeling that the waterline might be off. However This is my second attempt at this kit. I am just getting my feet wet. I would be grateful for any help I get. I was debating a do over but then I would be wasting ink and never get anything done. I have a golden rule. If you never make a mistake you ave never attempted anything and you can learn from your mistakes. Thr first time the bow was a disaster the second time close but no cigar. I made the fold a little too sharp. Thanks for catching it and offering to coach me. David B
  7. Thanks for the comment. This is indeed a different medium. This time around it looks better,but not perfect. I will keep updating the good and the bad. David B
  8. The problem is acrylics are water based as a result they tend to raise the grain on certain woods. Basswood will always fuzz when using acrylics. You have to use a sanding sealer before you can airbrush. David B
  9. I admire your metal work. It is hard to believe that you do not have a small machine shop. David B
  10. Thanks for commenting. The heavier stock makes the job much easier. Plus this time around I had a good idea of what I was getting into. The interesting areas are just starting. David B
  11. What you found is probably one of the ways of spiling a plank. As to three or four bands make it easy on yourself and stick with the three. That way you have a visual aid. Once the battens are laid out to your satisfaction you then proceed to fill it in. It may seem hard but in the long run it will be worth it. At one of my club meetind there is an old saying. Practice makes perfect. The biggest hurdle is getting there. David B
  12. I just finished the quarter deck. I had problems aligning the edges the first time. One of the things I learned was that for those angles cut from the line outward that way you do not damage the part. After cutting it out I began the job of bending the part to shape. To help make the folds I took a dress maker pin and put it into a xacto handle and cut the tip down. This made the job alot easier. I then proceeded to fold the part into shape Then came the glue up. This time I was able to keep the edges aligned. Instead of starting at one side I tacked an edge and then worked both way using tweezers as needed. I have a pair of scissors that were perfect for cleaning those little bits that I could not get with a knife. Those selflocking tweezers came in handy in the corner. So far I am happy with the result. David B
  13. Fantastic, you have more nerve than I. Probably a steadier hand as well. I am learning many things just by watching. David B
  14. I never saw the need for simulating the caulking. The reason for this is that at the scale I am work at it would not be visible. David B
  15. Would this work as well as bees wax or better? David B
  16. Coptoper tape is a thin foil. It is used in the stained glass industry all the time. It conforms to the hull nicely. Many modlers prefer it because it is easy to work with. If you wish to fully simulate indiviual plates you then score it. David B
  17. So far it is coming along and I like the way it looks. And now for the bow this time I made sure that I had it positioned before gluing up. I found that a selflocking tweezer with a wide tip helps pressing the tabs and making sure of a tight fit. As far as I am concerned it is an improvement. I am doing my work right beside a large window with the sun shing most of the day. That is the reason for the light shading of the paper. David B
  18. I am happy you were able to save your photos. I enjoyed your log before the crash. David B
  19. I then started on the port and starboard which gave me so much trouble This time I was a little more careful in cutting them out. After scribing the tabs were able to bent a little easier and closer to the line. So far so good. I like the end result so far. David B
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