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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. White acrylic is a hard colr to use I have never found one that ia perfect Davis B
  2. The Grand Banks fishing schooner was designrf for s[[ed as well as cargo. The first vessel out to the fishing grounds got the best fish and the first vessel baxk got the best price, David B
  3. Excellant start you will have ti up and running in notime David B
  4. To make things easier for score the back of the false deck a few time and this will make it rasier to lay the deck down David B
  5. What you do is go to the kit sectio and press new topic. Then add the name of your model and your name. Then you use that keep track of your progress.If not sure how you wish to do it look at the logs of some of the models. In the reply section hit more options and you will be able to upload photos as well David B
  6. One of the advantages of spraying or using an airbrush is the abilty to put on several super light coats so as to not hide the details. David B
  7. Awsome overload. I am turning greener everyday. You keep this up I am going to have a relapse and go off the wall. David B
  8. When I got started I built my first model with tools that I had in my tool. assorted hand tools tweezers nippers files pinvice drills a ruler sandpaper a razor saw and a scroll saw. It took me along time but it was worth it. I had a lot of fun and learned many things. One of them is patience. Another is one that can be a golden rule. Watch, learn, listen, and study. I added to my tools gradually over the years to what I hve now. When I moved in with my sister all I brought with me ws my tool box. And the MS Whalw Boat. I can build it with nothing but hand tools. It will take me tie but I have plenty of time on my hands. This is a hobby not a race. Enjoy yourself, and fun. My emjoyment is the challenge of trying something different or new. David B
  9. I am glad you were able to fix the booboos. The last time I snapped a spar it took me a week to repair the damage. David B
  10. Looking good. Many modelers use the tape because it is easerand quicker to apply. David B
  11. That way of building can be a boon for a bane depending on what you are doing at the time. David B
  12. Shawn, This is called the buttock method. It is used for half hulls and for vessels with very severe lines. I can understand balsa sheet. All you need is a sharp knife. I would have preferred bass or aspen. When you shape the hull make sure you blades are razor sharp. When the blade dulls it willl crush the balsa. When you are done seal the hull with sanding sealer. I have also used a wash of whire glue and water. David B
  13. I will use both depending on the need. For much of my Latham like structural parts I use hard solder for items that were for looks or will not be taking any strain I would use oft solder. David B
  14. I have to agree with Russ. After hard soldering you musy pickle the part to deeply clean to remove flux and imputities like oxidation. I use a compound called Sparex. It is used by jewers to clean a part. Then I blacken it. David B
  15. Gil if you want I will be glad to take it off your hands. Outstanding work. David B
  16. I have seen completed models of the howard pretty vessel. David B
  17. One of the things you can do to finish straightening out your keel is to put it in a keel clamp and then put in the bulkheads. Once the bulkheads are squared up fill in the space with a wood like bass ,aspen or pine. Insuring that everything si square and your keel will not warp. David B
  18. I proceeded to redo the bridge compoments. This time I took care to be careful of the folds and where I used a knife. This time I test fitted the lower component to make sure of a snuck fit The upper compnent was the one I really made a has out of so I took extra care to make sure the folds were correct I used a fine marker and traced out the folds I then started from the aft sect and worked my way forward making sure everything was a good fit before i applied the glue and test fiiting at the same time. Then came the test fiitng of everything and applying a marker as needed I am happy with the redo. Now for the rest of the model David B
  19. Thanks Sailor but i never got a god detailed look at the sides. and the detail. David B
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