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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. Inquiring minds would like to know. As a TV detective once said "Very Interesting." I am now showing my age. David B.
  2. Steve, The garboard strake usually started out as the widest plank used. It was shaped to help the hull planking run smooth and keep the use of stealers down to a minimum. Donald Dressel wrote a book titled Planking Techniques for The Model Ship Builder. This book will give you a detailed explanation on the entire subject. I consider it a must in any library. It is still available at very reasonable prices. David B
  3. I read the instructions on the meds I am taking with my chemo therapy. One of them is a special order to the manufacturer by the doctor where they will confirm the exact dosage inform me then tell everything I cannot do by law. The side effects are fatal. The reason for the enforcement. This drug will cause either birth defects or kill the fetus. David B
  4. I like the way you are double checking your work. You are progessing well. Your work shop would be a candy store. I would try going with a full strake for as long as possible to establish a good run as you go. Then add stealers. Have you thought about how you are going to do the garboard strake? David B
  5. Robert one of the rules in planking is the type or design of a hull. If you can get a copy of Monfeldt's book on ship modeling he can show you the different ways it was done depending on the area and time. Many of the mediterranean vessels were built without stealers. They were built with the hull planking first and the frame and supports were put in later. In Europe it was frame first then the planking was added. This is the reason for the straight run of planking. If my memory is correct your kit is single planked. I wish I could find the photos I took all those years ago to show what I am talking about. That is why I suggested going to look at the English Longboats. To further your research Google galleys and check out the results. The end result will be your choice and what you are happy and satisfied with. Satisfaction and enjoyment in your work is the greatest and most important rule of all. If you are having a good time that is all that counts. David B
  6. You took a C grade kit and turned it into an A grade model. Congrats on a great job. David B
  7. These sanding pads can be found at a good woodworking store or hardware store. I have seen them at our club meetings. I forget where Kurt got them. But he said they were the cats meow. David B
  8. Great work Ed. Have you ever used those new sanding pads for the final polishing? This way you can stay away from the mess and clean up of steel wool. David B
  9. I know little about these vessels. I think it will be fun seeing what it will look like. David B
  10. If the finished master is made properly you will never know what it is made from by looking at the casting. David B
  11. I found a card model I like. If I screw up I will be able to print out another sheet. Here are some photos. I will show the progress I make along with the booboos. David B
  12. This is one of the interesting parts. The planks are straight run for the top ones. What I did was literally make card templates for the rest. Since there are no stealers you will have to bend and shape every plank to fit. It will take some practice but if you like the end result you did it right. Check out the English Long Boat Logs and they will give you a good idea of what I am describing. David B.
  13. Looking good Dan. I wish I was there to see it up close. You are getting there. Keep up the good work. David B
  14. There is an old saying in this hobby. The more you learn the more you do not know. David B
  15. You picked a model that will give you some interesting moments. I built this model years ago when I still had a full head of hair. But I will be glad to give you any advise you need if my feeble memory can remember. David B
  16. One of the things you have to think about is lexan needs a plastic cleaner. Be careful of the type of cleaner you use. Do not use any product containing ammonia and use a cloth np paper towels. This will keep the case from clouding and getting scratched. David B.
  17. What a great idea. Several years ago a modeler I know was out walking his dog and he saw his neighbor getting rid of a dinner table. His neighbor said it was getting to old and scratched and he was tired of it. My friend offered to take it off his hands. So they hauled over to his garage. He had a very large supply of aged cherry that he has been cutting down for several years now. That old furniture was made from solid wood no particle board or mdf. David B
  18. I think that would make a great tuorial. You are a champ Joe. David B
  19. looking you are double good amigo. I like the way you are double checking your work. When I was still working we had a rule in my dept. Triple check your dimensions before the you make the first cut. Saved me the hassel of getting yelled at by the boss. David B
  20. If you cast with a resin you can ad extra ingredients to simulate metal. Resin casting can reproduce a stray fingerprint left on the master. It is a cheaper process and much safer. David B
  21. Nice work Toni, but it does look a little on the fragile side. You must have a delicate touch. I am afraid My ham fist would do to much damage. Great work. David B
  22. There are several individuals who either do not like using them to probably not having the room to. David B
  23. In my opinion you should do a stubbed mast model. All of the rigging would hide all the wonderful work you have put into the Vulture. David B
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