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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. I started out with a verneer type then dial. I am happy to use a digital anytime. It is easier on my eyes and I do not have to strain what is left of my feeble mind to decipher the other two. David B
  2. I think the only problem will be if the drill motor cxan handle being left on for a long period of time without overheating. David B
  3. Larry an easier and safer way is to put your iron into a vice. Wet your piece of wood and bend it over the iron. After some practice you will be able to bend almost any shape. David B
  4. Nice work Danny. However if you take a look silver solder comes in different temps dependind on the job. If you go to Sante Fe Jewelry Supply and check out there website you will find them. A jeweler will now and then use 2 different solders on the same piece. Both are good just a few dgrees diffrence in melting point. I have done hard soldering as well and I have found that after you solder a joint the melting temp has risen so you can solder close or next to it with out too much trouble. David B
  5. I also have this book and as a bonus when the NRG was in San Fransisco we were invited to one of the brothers houses to get a good look at what was in the book. Every now and then I look at the photos and wish I had some of them in my place. David B
  6. I am sorry to heat that Testors is dropping Floquil. I used it for many years and switched to Polyscale. I have never thought much of Testors paint. Right now I am experimenting with Badgers Modelflex paint and so far I have been happy with it. David B
  7. I have been able to make these extenders fit by using a lighter and reshaping them. All they are is teflon tubing. David B
  8. If you have a significant other I hope you treat her very nice. Or you could be in for trouble. David B
  9. 6 tpi is good for all around general cutting. If you plan to do any resawing I would go for 4 tpi 1/2 inch if your bandsaw will take the blade. David B
  10. Great work Toni. It is a shame that much of it will not be seen. David B
  11. Over the years I have found the Preac an invaluable tool. However with the passing of Charlie Files, The Byrnes saw with a 80th blade is great for those small precision cuts when you need a square and clean cut. Since I do not like to change blades I would alternate between the two. The Byrnes saw has the power as well as the accuracy to do everything you need. Just remember that it is not a toy but a serious power tool that dserves a lot of respect. Always figure out how use use a push stick or a fixture to protect your pinkies on the smaller parts. David B
  12. One of the things you might do is find a way to stabalize the wood.or if you can feed through do it in short increments. David B
  13. I use my 3 jay chuck most of the time but when I have a part that is not symetrical I use my 4 jaw chuck. It can be a pain to adjust but once you do the part will be perfectly centered and safer and easier to work with. David B
  14. I have seen the Vasa by Revell done before, it makes up to quite a nice model with a little work which is what you are doing. Keep up the good work and have patience. David B
  15. I make mine the same way but use water and white glue instead.
  16. What a waste of space. Why would anyone want to look at a display of cell phones. Ship models are better looking and have more class. David B
  17. I agree with Norman. A copper hull on a model should have a patina of age. Howver if you decide to coat your copper make sure it is squeaky clean. David B
  18. Nice work Dan. Too bad you do not own the real thing. It is gorgeous. David B
  19. What do you plan to make the hull out of. Make a plug out of a soft wood ot structural foam and either plank over that and remove the plug or you can use fiberglass. This would be the easier way to do it. David B
  20. Interesting I did not think abut using Testors metal wod glue. How good is it and what did you use to thin and clean up the mess? David B
  21. One of the things I dislike the most is the false history or story of the model. I remember at Manitowoc every now and then a fine looking model that is a work of fiction and a history that is taken right out of the manual will be brought in and built right out of the kit. David B
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