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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. Dan those drills work best with drill press. I have forgotten how many I broke over the years. David B
  2. One of the good things about replacing spars is you have the shape already just duplicate it. David B
  3. The question of one long strake or several would depend on the type of vessel. David B
  4. I also agree with the above comment. However be careful. One my fellow club members spent 20 years on a model. The more he researched the more errors he would find in his build and he would redo it. We finally said no more research. Build with what you have and if anything new comes up forget about it. David B
  5. Break out a bottle. Good job . As for your next model what are you interested in? David B
  6. 22 cannons on the wall 22 cannons 21 cannons on the wall 21 cannons. David B
  7. I would have to agree with Dafi. Try to replace all the thin plastic spars you can. They will be very flimsy and if it gets warm watch out. Many years ago I saw a model of the Revell Cutty that was done extremely well. Unfortunately the case was left near a window. We went out for the day and when we got back half the spars had been rendered useless. David B
  8. Is the pelican going to be a good luck mascot? David B
  9. That was extremely thoughtful. I pray you feel better soon. David B
  10. Years ago at Manitowoc I saw a mid section of the Victory. From a distance you did not see it but up close you could see that it was tree nailed. The modeler had used the bristles from a brush that were a clear plastic or nylon. David B
  11. I use Birchwood Casey's brass black. David B
  12. This should prove interesting. I have done a plastic Lee many years ago. Different maker though. I will enjoy your build. David B
  13. A while back there was a CD of the American Neptune. Unfortunately I was not able to get ahold of a copy. David
  14. Thanks, the plans leave a lot of guess work. But I am getting there . David B
  15. The nice thing about this scale is that much of the metal work is easier to work with and not so fragile. Good job. David B
  16. I then put in the rest of the interior. The problem is I am not sure about how this last part is to be placed. I went through the plans but I could not find anything. So I will work around it until I can find and answer. David B
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