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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. You are still doing a wonderful job Nenad. Your Cutty is coming along great. I hope everything is okay weather wise at your place and nobody was injured. David B
  2. They look great. As for the hull experiment on a test piece and test out some washes. Remember below the water line the copper will be either the color of a penny and above the water line will be the discoloration. Or you can add the gunk and growth collected. I saw this version years ago and it was the wierdest looking paint job I saw in years. Make up some smaples and experiment. David B
  3. At first glance your transom seemed off but after lookiing at all of the photos you are dead on. David B
  4. Frank, When you lay out for your planking if you use a thin strip of wood you will get a feel of the curves and bends in the hull. This makes it easier to form a graceful look. I also agree with Russ on running a line down the middle to help keep everything aligned. David B
  5. Your hatch looks pretty good what colors are you going to paint it? David B
  6. No I am afraid not. Though I wish he would attend. But it is a little too far and the wrong time of year. This gentleman was from upper New York. David B
  7. Smart move this way it will be harder to have them accidently knocked off. I hate when that happens. David B
  8. I just came across your log. You have done a swell job. Kudos for catching the mold before you got any farther. I will be watching and learning. David B
  9. It looks like you are in for some interesting times Tom. Remember have fun and enjoy the challenge. David B
  10. My advice would be to contact the Smithsonion Institute Transportation Dept. I belive they have the plans for the Hannah as well. As for the choice of wood that is your choice to make. David B
  11. As far as I am concerned you are the master and we are the students. Please continue to instruct us oh wise one. David B
  12. Nothing wrong with that.so long as it does not smear or leak you are set David B
  13. Well done and well made. I admire your craftsmanship considering what you had to work with. I am afraid your model fell into the camp of a list by Rob Napier from many years ago. It is model that shall not be made. Not enough documentation first account info or data and incomplete plans. Who cares. I look foraward to your Hannah. There is a ton of info and several commplete plans. It will depend on how you wish to tackle her. David B
  14. Like I said a unique type of vessel. It is an interesting model to look good work. David B
  15. A color I have used before is Antique White by Polyscale. I never like mixing paint. David B
  16. I have seen a few Phillies at Manitowoc. One of them a guy who was obsessed with that era. With the back ground and other historical documents he brought he showed why he left his model unfinished in several areas. This was to scale of course but he was trying to build it as it was. This model looked like the real thing rough built in a hurry and not by hightly english trained shipwrights. It was purpose built. I think you have nothing to be ashemed of. David B
  17. Smart move in making up a dummy to test you ideas. This will save you headaches and misgivings down the road. Hopefully you faired well these past few weeks. David B
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