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Everything posted by Trussben

  1. I bought one myself, easy to assemble, I glued it at the joints and it is sturdy as hell. Got if for $129 on sale. 2 dislikes - Benchtop Dog holes go all way through top, so any dust on the bench will fall in the top drawers, I fixed this by glueing scrap wood below the top. Drawer slides are not very deep, can only pull drawers out half way, I could buy some deeper slides but not really bothering me that bad. For the price you really cannot complain - you cannot buy the wood locally for that price! ben
  2. Augies correct in that it takes a little playing with those fillers, take your time fairing them in using a piece of planking material to check the distances that you need to achieve. I think there are some decent pics on my log of this and also what to avoid in that area. If you are really stuck PM Chuck as he may have some other pictures from his prototype build that are better than mine, Rusty may have some input here too. Ben
  3. Wow Grant, the pictures do her justice! I must admit when I saw the one of you hacking holes in the hull for the sheves I was besides myself but you did a great job. Hint on the next build?? Kit bashing or full scratch? Ben
  4. Thanks Toni, I understand that now. And thanks for the like of my work, coming from you that's real praise. Ben
  5. Thanks for all the likes. Thanks Grant, Augie - when you finish Confed maybe you will come over to the dark side and learn this too. Rusty - I spoke to my Mentor and he agreed that I can finish all the aft cant frames and maybe even the last square frame 14 before moving to the front end. Wacko - thanks for looking in, I shall post more pics when there is progress to show. Ben
  6. Here are the first seven aft cant frames made and installed, I've decided to carry on and make the other 6 and install them before moving forward to the bollard timbers, hawse pieces and fore cants unless someone can give me a reason not to. Working away this next week so no progress will be made. Ben
  7. Rusty got there before me. Have you sanded/scraped the laser char off those frames? They look really dark, or have you stained them that way? Ben
  8. Hi Patrick, Sorry to hear about the bad plans, but now you know the problem I have full confidence you will quickly be over the issue. It's become one of my Mantras " check the bloody plans " but " don't assume the plans are accurate ". Ben
  9. Hey Augie, don't forget to add the scupper ports to that outer hull. Enjoy the nicer weather. Ben
  10. That's a lot of nice progress ED, I'll be interested to see what that finish looks like after. Ben
  11. Hey Rusty, not sure about a great touch, I do have an great Mentor though just like you do! Your Winnie is coming along beautifully. Thanks Patrick for always stopping by and your positive comments. Thanks to everybody else for the likes. No more picture updates until the first seven aft cant frames are completed, I have them all cut out and assembling this week. Ben
  12. Thanks Grant, Yeh, it seems every frame I add I see a little more of her emerge, and your right that this little sloop sure does have nice lines, can't wait to get all the aft cants in place and fair them up. Ben
  13. She really does look great Grant, and I guess the bittersweet feeling of completion is not far away. Any ideas on your next project? Inquiring minds and all that! Ben
  14. Thanks Andy, yeh this is the fun part tangeling with pesky cant frames that don't want to line up, had to remove one side of frame 3 as it decided to move position while the glue dried!! Here is aft cant pair #4 installed, just need to install the temp spacers. Ben
  15. Wow Alex, Those bulkhead panels and doors are exquisite, I love seeing your updates. Ben
  16. Hi Bob, Your doing a great job over there, I really like your QD framing, looks very clean and equal spacing. Ben
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