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Everything posted by Trussben

  1. Hi Joe, I could recommend a friend of mine in Canada, he runs his own business and may be able to offer what you need, he is a master modeler and makes all his own cad plans. His name is John Andela and his web page through which you can contact him is www.ageofsail.net Ben
  2. If you are looking for a great scroll saw then I recommend the dewalt dw788, it's pricey but it's Very quiet and almost zero vibration, I use it for my scratch building and I am over the moon with it. Ben
  3. Thanks Augie, Mark, Patrick and Grant and all the likes. It's slow going but I am having an absolute ball learning all these new skills. One funny thing I noticed while I was cutting out the parts from Swiss pear I was struggling to keep a strait line on the scroll saw, put a brand new Flying Dutchman #3 ultra reverse blade in, and my cutting instantly improved. I guess they dont last forever, did the Echo and started Pegasus all on one blade at the cost of $0.39, I think I'll put a reminder up to change them more often! Ben
  4. Now that looks excellent Augie, really well done, I know from experience how tricky that area is. Now where is that stern coving? That's really bloody tricky! Ben
  5. Here are all the transoms made but they have not been glued and pinned yet, I had to make transom #4 twice as the first one was skewed. I have finished making the acrylic stands and all I have to do now is finish marking the buildboard before bolting the keel down, then the transoms can be fixed in place. Ben
  6. I'm wishing for an OSS with tilt table!! Hint hint but I'd take a featherboard as well. Ben
  7. Hi Rusty, I was looking at the pictures again and there seem to be almost double the amount of bulkheads as the Confed? Is Chuck doing a bulkhead at every station line on the NMM plans? If that is so then your going to get a really fair hull from it! Lucky Dog! Chuck please chime in if possible as the Winnie is a ship I'm interested in as Pellew commanded her. I'd love to see a set of her plans up close and personal. Ben
  8. Hi Sjors, It may be the camera angle but in that last shot it looks like the right hand planks are further towards the keel compared to the other side, in other words not symmetrical. Are you painting/coppering the bottom? If so it shouldn't cause a problem. Ben
  9. That stern looks excellent Augie, very well done! Shaping the QG drops is a PITA but it can be done with patience. Look forward to the next installment. Ben
  10. Hey Rusty, Are you going to add some support timbers across the top of the bulkhead extensions for more support so you don't break them off while fairing ( a la Confed ) ?? I think it would be a wise idea even though you cut them out yourself and not laser cut. Just a thought mate. Ben
  11. Nice to be along for the ride, I'm sure you will do an excellent job, and what a good idea to start bashing a kit before going to full scratch building, I'm sure you will learn lots of new skills just as I have now I have started full scratch. Will look in from time to time on your progress. Ben
  12. Well done Patrick, she is a credit to you and your skills as a modeler. I will continue to watch your work on the Connie. Congrats on the finish! Ben
  13. Augie, are you going to plank the upper counter first before you start the QG's? If you do make sure the curve of the planking matches the curve of the bottom of the transom and blends into the lower counter, or when you add the stern moldings it won't look right, see my log pictures for how not to do it! Great work buddy. Ben
  14. Hey Rusty, I see you have that bulkhead former securely clamped, always a good idea man. Ben
  15. Hi and thanks for the comments and likes. As well as making the acrylic stands that will hold the stem/stern in place on the buildboard I have also started the stern framing. Here is the all important Wing transom cut out of 18" stock and the 3" roundup sanded in so the piece is 15" all the way across. Now to start the shaping. I have left the ends 1/32 oversize to allow adjustment with the cant frame. Ben
  16. Moving along nicely Rusty, I'll send some of my Pegasus cant frames to you as you always seem to work twice as fast as me. Ben
  17. Hi Dont fair the hull fully at this point, maybe 80%. leave final fairing until you have all gunports/hull cutaway and stern faming in place as you dont want to take it down too far before those pieces are there and fair them in as well. ben
  18. Wow, the discussion here is incredible? I hope I can learn 1/10 about it with my Pegasus, help me out guys! Ben
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