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Everything posted by gjdale

  1. Hi Rusty, Thanks for reposting this one. I've got the kit stashed in the cupboard and I'll appreciate your build log once I get around to starting it.
  2. Mike, I managed to get some from a UK supplier, but having tried it and then trying some Casey Birchwood Brass Black (as recommended by Danny) I think the latter is better. You can order it online from an Australian supplier - check out this link: http://westernfirearms.com.au/cleaning-gun-care-bluing-wood-metal-care-brass-black-p-1599.html?osCsid=acfoh1pgpc151aefure97cj1f5
  3. I know that many of us have admired Danny's Vulture and appreciated his detailed posts here before. Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting Danny in person and the privilege of seeing Vulture "in the flesh". The former is a mild mannered, modest guy who seems to enjoy nothing better than helping other modellers. The latter is a beautiful lady! We enjoyed a wee dram or two as Danny showed me his work and his toys. If there was just one word to describe Danny's work on Vulture, it would have to be, "exquisite". While Danny has posted (and will re-post) some excellent photographs, as good as they are, they don't do justice to the real thing. It really is a work of art! Like everyone else here Danny, I look forward to seeing the resumption of Vulture's journey.
  4. Great to see Alfred back here at MSW again Gary. Your log is an inspiration to many, many people. As others have said, your attention to detail, research and explanations are superb.
  5. Hi Gil, Nice to see you back and great news that you were able to recover all of your photos! I hope it's not too long before you get your posts back up to date so that I can continue to follow a couple of steps behind, learning from you as I go.
  6. Hi Paul, Nice to see you back. I'm glad you decided to re-post everything. Yours is quite a unique build on this forum and it's fascinating to see the detail of your progress.
  7. Nice to see you back Kevin. I'll look forward to your resumed build log. How is the new workshop fitting out coming along?
  8. Hi Rosemarie, Nice to see you and your Victory back. You're doing a great job on her and I will enjoy following your progress.
  9. Just have to echo the others Ed, a real joy to re-read your log as it's being posted again. Thank you!
  10. Hi Mobbsie, Glad to see you've made your way home and re-posted your log. Looking forward to seeing this one develop.
  11. Hi Aldo, Nice to see your log back up my friend. I look forward to seeing some further updates.
  12. I'm another devotee of dilute PVA. When I wanted to re-do a couple of ratlines recently, I simply worked a bit of isopropyl alcohol into the knots with a stiff brush and they came off easily.
  13. Thank you all for the replies. It's nice to see some new faces here too.
  14. Nice to see you, Atlanta, and Sadie back Toni. I look forward to continuing to follow your excellent build.
  15. Great to see your log back Mark - it's always been a treat to follow your progress.
  16. Hi Jim, Nice to see you back. Good luck with the move and I hope your new shipyard quarters provide the inspiration to get back making sawdust quickly!
  17. Bob, One of the unexpected benefits of the "crash" is the opportunity to see logs that one might otherwise have overlooked. I'm glad I spotted this one of yours as it looks like an interesting subject, with excellent craftsmanship. I'll be following along from here. keep up the great work.l
  18. Ed, So glad to see that you are able to recreate both your Naiad and Victory logs - I have learned so much from them, as I'm sure others have. I look forward to the re-post and to further updates.
  19. Feel free to recycle the jokes too Augie - at least no-one can say you're repeating yourself (and at our ages, we probably wouldn't remember anyway )
  20. Nice to your Stag back John - shame about the loss of the previous log, but we'll all enjoy following you to the finish line from here on! Cheers, Grant
  21. Nice to see your beautiful work back Nico! Cheers, Grant
  22. "Investment" is the right word indeed Allan. Your first book is excellent and I am keenly awaiting the second instalment on my investment. Cheers, Grant
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