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Posts posted by Baker

  1. I fully agree.

    But, the advantage of the MRNS book is that I have a lot of drawings on a scale of 1/100. And it is easy for me to enlarge them to a scale of 1/50.

    So I'm going to make the sections of MRNS and place them next to the current bulkheads. And then see what makes the most sense.


    I promesed this build would be a long way to a finished model. I'm doing this well, haha 😇

  2. On 2/1/2023 at 7:04 PM, Baker said:

    The shape of the front and rear bulkheads don't look right on sight (i think). I used the drawing from the book Anatomy of the ship (AOTS) and It looks if these are "taken" from MR Noblest Shippe (MRNS)

    The AOTS scheme has 12 frames.

    The MRNS has also detailed  "sections" and frames.

    Testing my suspicion.
    After enlarging the section drawings from the MRNS book, these sections were all copied separately.

    A first test clearly shows a difference with the drawings (bulkheads) from the AOTS book.

    Grrr :default_wallbash:


    All these (some of of them expensive) books and in none of them you find the simple mention about the length - width of the hull.

    So i continue with the keel length and the beam in feet.
    Length keel 60,... cm and beam 23,... cm.


    The sections from MRNS seem to match better the 23cm than the bulkheads from AOTS 24.5cm


    Next plan.
    Making these extra bulkheads and do a better shaping of the the already made bulkheads.

    Better to do well now than to have problems later.

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