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Posts posted by Baker

  1. First thank you for all the attention. Much appreciated. 

    The link to the "Russian" Mary rose model is bookmarked, thanks Jan.


    After all the 12 frames are drawn,  plywood is first roughly sawn to size.

    The drawings are glued to the plywood.

    And, ready to sawn the frames. 


    But given the outside temperature is now between 0 and 5 degrees. After 1 frame my fingers were a bit frozen 🥶
    So, for now, I will switch back to my military modeling in our heated kitchen.


  2. 8 hours ago, Ferrus Manus said:

    Hah! You're an expert, so being proved wrong would be more catastrophic. 


    At least my Golden Hinde has a boat: where's yours? 😉

    I just did some research, and it appears that small galleons either had a boat sat on the spar deck, or no boat at all. At one point, Drake had his men lower the boat into the water in order to appear busy, before surprising the Spanish. So, clearly, the Golden Hinde had a boat.

    There was a terrible storm, and I lost it...


  3. 1 hour ago, Baker said:


    A possible solution for the purpose of the holes in the stern and for transporting the boat.


    But transporting the ship's boat in this way was not without danger.
    Read this somewhere in one of my books.
    An English fleet on its way to Spain ran into a storm and almost all the boats towed in this way were gone after the storm...

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