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Everything posted by Baker

  1. There are different types of masking tape. For every surface there is a tape with a different adhesive strength. The blue tape of the 3M company (my employer) gave me the best results for this purpose. With only some small errors here and there that needs to be repainted afterwards (Scraping off with a knife and thereafter repainting) And, great work GL.
  2. Great model. Welcome to MSW
  3. Welcome to MSW from Belgium
  4. Nice models. Greetings, and welcome to MSW
  5. Welcome to MSM and greetings from Belgium.
  6. Welcome to MSW, and good luck with your model.
  7. Installed a new railing and all the cannon supports are in place And also added some extra detail to the beakhead. Thanks for following
  8. A month later. A small update, Further accessories are installed in the captain's cabin. Crates and small barrels (probably with the personal wine and beer supply of the captain ) A wall rack for nautical charts etc , a mattress, pillows and bags are in progress I also tried to build 16th century buckets. My biggest problem was the thickness of the side from the bucket. A bucket from Mary Rose served as an example After several failed attempts, I made something that comes close to the original The start was an empty .22 LR casing (of course legally obtained according to Belgian law) These are too long, so first i saw tmem to size. A .22 short was better, but I don't have a license for that type of ammunition. The side of the bucket is made of plastic sheet This is glued around the casing with CA glue and a strap of plastic sprue is glued around the bucket Painting and weathering (and a SU76i that is almost finished) Apply a rope, and a batch of 9 is ready. Bucket N° 10 ended up as a scrap (The rope appears thicker on the photo than in reality) Thanks for following
  9. This builder is very talented in soldering and working with copper. You may find answers in his logs. BTW as always, nice work Michael
  10. Welcome back to this fun build of a little Bounty. I started reapplying the removed parts. The belaying pins( primitive, but better than the original) and new steering wheel is under construction. A piece of cargo bed from a 1/72 truck is perfect for the hatches on the deck. Removing the supports from cannons and rebuilding them. Thanks for following
  11. Making 3 base plates. All my 1 / 72nd models are on such plates. Easier to manipulate and numbering The German cannon (spring 1945) has a russian green carriage and a sand-yellow barrel. The green of the carriage is rusty, probably there was not enough paint available, or simply no time enough to repaint it . the 15.2 cm (in the transport version) is in a russich green color. The openings in the barrel are protected against dirt and dust The 12.2 cm partially has a whitewash color. Painting and finishing the models After the basic color I always apply a light gray dry brushing. Then the other colors are painted and then a dry brushing of sand color. After application to the base plate, a wash with diluted matte black is applied. Ready, numbered and stored in the Russian WW2 corner For organizational reasons, the "German cannon" has been placed with Russia. All models with a specific chassis are placed together. This is easier for me to know what I have already built. a total of 1417 models in 1/72 scale on display (started in 1985) Finished. Thanks for following
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