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Everything posted by Baker

  1. A good friend who sends you model kits ?? That's a very good friend !! Good luck with the build.
  2. Another beautiful model. congrats 👍
  3. A Tiger. Need Info, shoot The "Bible" for every Tiger crew (In German) http://www.lexikon-der-wehrmacht.de/Waffen/Merkblatt/Die_Tigerfiebel_Handbuch_des_deutschen_Tiger_Panzers_.pdf
  4. No progress in the build. But I found this instructive video on You tube. From part 1 To part 10
  5. Welcome, and good luck with the model.
  6. Hello everyone. Work in progress, update Further work on the interior and the pots and pans of the chef. Some brass cooking pots Metal pans (actually a panther wheel and a copula of Russian armed car). A Ladder. And of course firewood. And the planking of the deck. The deck planking was more work than expected. An example of a forecastle with some kind of grating. A kitchen, pots and pans, but no food on the table. Boring... 😴 Thanks for following
  7. Great model. And welcome to MSW
  8. Greetings, Patrick
  9. A ride on the bus. And everyone has to "push" They probably bought cheap tickets ... Great work Steven
  10. Welcome to MSW. Good luck building your galleon
  11. Welcome to MSW.
  12. Is my Google translation from English to Dutch correct?? And do i understand it correctly. I have the requested parts. 2 other people want them. These 2 people think of each other that one of them has the parts and wants to deliver them to him. Whoever sends the first PM to me, gets them.
  13. Never heard from Lorne. Is still available for free, only the cost of shipping. If I read correctly you live in the USA. Shipping is by Belgian post (Bpost) I have yet to see the correct price. According to the Bpost site, this will be around 24 to 25 euros. If ok sent a PM to me.
  14. A small investment for her. And she has rest and peace for a whole month 😉
  15. Nice work. Red https://www.vasamuseet.se/en/exhibitions/vasa-model
  16. You can polish the matte Tamiya Paint a bit after it has hardened. Then it becomes semi-gloss and has a weathered look.. I do this with soft scotch brite.
  17. Thanks everyone for the nice comments. Brick walls can indeed just be bought. But my model shop in the city of Antwerp is closed because of Corona. And actually the build of the stove was not that much work. Building about 1 h and painting 30 minutes. Installing the stoove on the model took the longest time. Removable grating will be provided later. After the corona lock out, BBQ on the ship for all members. (Does anyone have a shrink machine to make us all 45 times smaller?)
  18. Welcome to MSW
  19. Hello, and welcome to MSW.
  20. A 16th century "cooking stove". Only 2 things are maybe correct : Made of bricks and it can be placed in the fore castle. Everything else is my own guesswork. A brick construction on a moving wooden ship, I think, should be reinforced with wood and or iron. Otherwise, the construction will not last long. Plastic sheet is the material i use. Making a brik wall The base Make a hole "iron and bolts" Neutral grey is base color. While still wet, dry brushing with red While still wet, dry brushing with sand Metal parts painted (2 buckets as a test) traces of soot ready to install (2 buckets with extinguishing water) ready for coocking Removable grating will be installed above the kitchen. Thanks for following, likes and comments
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