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Posts posted by BenD

  1. Welcome to the snake club!


    There are a few finished Snakes on this forum but this kit is a challenge. I have been working on mine for 2 years, I'm burnt out. I'm moth balling it and working on some easier projects and will return to it at some point. It's a decent kit with mostly good materials but it's not very good for newer modelers.  You did well on your longboat so I feel you may be ready. good luck!


    I'm going to hop into a Master Korabel kit, they seem to be more my skill level.

  2. If the belaying pin was made out of Lignum Vitae it would sink.  It is the most dense wood, as far as I know.  


    The pins on a ship are not held down by anything but gravity or by a rope if a line has been belayed to it.  It's meant like this so you can pull the pin and all the rope drops to the deck.  You can react quicker to what ever sailing task is needed. 

  3. Carronades continued. 


    I made some .95mm rope for the guns and think I may move up to 1.10mm and see if that looks closer to scale.  The length needs to be increased also as you can see it can't haul in very far.  Fiddling with all these tiny parts makes me nervous about adding outhaul tackle.  


    Made the Ships wheel and capstan as a break from the guns.  The wheel may be changed out in the future if I can find a reasonable replacement.  The parts came off the sheet all hairy and chipped but they turned out okay regardless    


  4. I upgraded my workstation once again.  This time I got a new desk and some cheap Ikea lamps that can use 800 lumens bulbs.  I now have more desk space than I know what to do with. 


    So many hours have gone into prepping parts and painting for the Carronades. I can't even begin to imagine doing all the guns for a frigate or a ship of the line.  Anyway I tried using a black deckblock to see If I liked the contrast or not, backed out of that pretty fast.  


  5. I agree with Gary that you could do a vote for the next kit if your really divided one what to do next.  So far I know you want to do the Bellona, Leopard, and the Indefatigable.


    I'm looking for a frigate for my next build and I would be willing to drop $800 on a good one.  

  6. Thinking about painting?  I personally like the natural wood you have going on. 


    The ships wheel that comes with these kits are kinda crappy and flat. The one you bought is better.  I just ordered some wheels myself, got 2 sizes.


    Thinking about rigging already? You can get a lot done with just a few knots like a slip knot or even an overhand knot. The real game changer for me was learning how to make lashings, I'll link a video from a really old guy on YouTube. 



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