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Posts posted by flying_dutchman2

  1. Created more deadeyes. 

    1: Take a dowel and put it upright in a vise. Use a drill press and a dremel with a 0.061 bit and drill three holes. 



    2: Remove the dowel from the vise and carefully file a groove all around.



    3: Use saw to cut the deadeye of the dowel.



    4: Put the deadeye in the drum sander which consists of the following: plastic jar lined with sandpaper (gritt 120) with screw lid, quarter inch dowel which have 2 pieces of sand paper (gritt 120) glued to it

    I either roll the dowel by hand or attach drill to it running the drill at 3 second bursts. 




  2. 8 hours ago, Omega1234 said:

    Yours is the sort of build log that puts a smile on my face.  What started out as raw materials in the beginning, has now blossomed into a real little gem.  Such a  pleasure to follow.


    Good luck with the rest of the build.


    Merry Christmas and have a happy 2019.



    Thank you for the compliment. Yes, she is coming alone nicely. The masts, sails and rigging has some similarities as the yacht, Utrecht. The Boyer has an added mizen mast and a spritsail yard and sail. 

    Merry Christmas as well. 


  3. Sort of fixed the transfer of pics to the forum by setting the camera to manual and reducing the pixel size of the pictures. 


    The deck items are pretty much completed. 

    The stem with bollards and bits. Hatches have been added as well. 





    The main hatch and part of the cabin. 



    Bollards, part of the cabin and at the pointy bow area the mizen mast holder. 


    The vertical piece of wood is for the sheet. There will be two of them. 



    Here is the second vertical bar that will be for the other sheet. 



    Rudder post and rudder. 


    Tiller under the mizen mast holder. 


    Is there another word for 'mizen mast holder'? What about Dutch? 


  4. Nice pictures of the Boeier, Wefalck!


    Het Friese Scheepvaart museum has a lot of plans online, free for the downloading. 

    Then on archive.com their are 3 books by Emile van Konijnenburg, Shipbuilding from its beginning volume 1, 2, & 3. The first 2 are descriptions of ships in Dutch and vol 3 is all plans and color drawings of Dutch ships. 


  5. Created some of the deck items from walnut. Installed the bits and bollards that line the sides of the boat. 

    The mizen mast holder is from walnut and I had to file the railing a bit so that the piece would sit straight as well as the mast that goes into the holder. 


    Finished the pinntels and will drill tinny holes to fit the brass nails. 


    Having trouble uploading pictures.


  6. This boat has clean lines and you did an excellent job of planking her. Both the bluff bow and stern are an exercise on its own. I know this from building yachts and presently building a Boyer. 

    You are correct, a sperwer is a type of hawk. 

    Did you get the plans from het Friese Scheepvaart museum online or if not where? 


  7. Spent several hours bending and forming the pintels. Next I got out the soldering iron and soldered 1mm diameter brass wire as pins and filed excess solder from the pintels. 


    On another note, I am thinking of making my own blocks and deadeyes. I have many articles on how to make blocks but nothing on how to make deadeyes. Are there any articles on MSW about this? Or is there something on the Net about it? 

    By making my own, I want to see if the finished product lookes like the material you buy from an online store. If after the exercise I failed I'll just continue to buy online. 


    Totally different question. 

    Some of the plans from the 17th century Dutch merchant ships are in scale 1:96.  If I want to make them 1:48 do I set my printer at 200%? Twice the size?

    The Fluit is 1:96 and I find it rather small. Enlarging this I can add more details. 

    Thanks for answering.  


  8. 1 hour ago, druxey said:

    I'm sorry to read about the loss of your mother, Marcus. You are right, though: it is no way to live. We went through this journey with my mother-in-law a few years ago. It's hard on everyone.


    I've learned quite a lot about poldermolen from your log. Thank you!

    Alzheimer is rough. Several years back we had my wife's father live with us and we experienced first hand seeing someone you love deteriorate over the years until there is nothing their. 


    I'm glad you enjoyed and learned something from the build. It was an education for me as well and still learning from it. Their are so many types of mills and I will continue to build others. Just don't know what to do with them all, put them all in the backyard? Now that would look strange. Their are many people living in the Chicago area from Dutch heritage and maybe sell the finished product to them. 


  9. Almost done and pictures will follow. Still need to dye the sails and paint and install the step on the kruibalk. I've been putzing around not doing much. 


    I spent Thanksgiving in the Netherlands at my mother's funeral (I just came back to the US). 

    She was 90. Her brain was no longer working due to late stage Alzheimer, her body was still going strong. I am glad she is gone as it is no way to spend a productive life with Alzheimer, just staring at the wall and no communication whatsoever. (I am pragmatic in this)  


  10. Added 4 scuppers on each side in between the first and second wale. 

    Drilled a hole on an angle. Cut off 9mm aluminium tubing, brushed some glue on it and pushed into the hole. The square wooden pieces on the outside are 1mm thick 5mm square dowel. 





    This is the first time I have added these to my build. Never done this before. 


  11. 11 hours ago, cog said:

    You in this build log ...

    I found this in the digital librairy:



    Turned out real good the gudgeons, did you put a brass nail in the oposite side too, or will you make a rivet from the nail?

    Thank you and the info on the digital library. 


    Yes, both sides have nails. The holes on one side are different in location as the opposite side. If you use a ruler you can see that they are off by a mm. 


  12. Started bending to shape the gudgeons and the pinntels. Used CA and glued the gudgeons in place.



    Put a 0.66 drill bit in the dremel drill press and proceeded to drill holes into the brass gudgeons.


    After that, I took brass nails, cut them in half and nailed them through the gudgeons into the stem. 



    Who came up with the word 'gudgeons'??? 

  13. For the non Dutch language followers, the following paragraphs will have many Dutch mill words. 



    I measured the heights/lengths of the individual pieces such as the stijlen (funderings muur, raam of deur kist en rieten dak gedeelte), kuiprand en vloer en kap and all of them are a mm more than they should be. 

    The wheel (wielspaak) at the bottom of the kruibalk kan be either close to the ground or higher up, like the above picture. When it is like that there is a small narrow step attached to it so the miller can get up there. 


    I need to build a small step and attach it to the side of the kruibalk. If I don't do this the wielspaak looks out of place. 


    Thanks for mentioning this to me. 


    Overal I am pretty happy with how it turned out. On my next mill (yes, there is going to be another one), I would get tile glue with grout in it. Then it doesn't have to be so thick and I can work it better with a coarse brush. 



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