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Keith Black

NRG Member
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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. Bastaco, welcome to MSW. Please post some photos of your completed models and consider starting a build log when you start your next project.
  2. Great report, Michael. May the healing process continue to your full recovery.
  3. Keith, a warm welcome back. Your summer hiatus sure didn't affect your workmanship, as beautiful and well thought out as always.
  4. Gary, it would be great if you could team with someone to build a model of the Peggy (drawings reside at NMM) while you're conducting your research. The model build might be supported by the Manx National Heritage foundation?
  5. Gary, welcome to MSW. Yes, please keep us updated on your project.
  6. Jared, welcome to MSW.
  7. Pete, welcome to MSW. As Mark said, please start a build log where we can follow along.
  8. Fantastic news, Michael! Good to hear that the worst of it is behind you, rest easy and get well.
  9. Tobias, welcome to MSW. Please post a couple of photos of your model and create a build log when you start your next one.
  10. NM, welcome to MSW. There are some fabulous card modelers among our MSW membership, you should feel right at home.
  11. Benjamin, welcome to MSW. Good to have you aboard.
  12. Kloppie, welcome to MSW. Please create a build log when you start the Endeavour as we'd enjoy sharing your adventure.
  13. CF, welcome to MSW. I hope to see a build log from you in the not too distant future.
  14. I have to add 1.25 inches to allow for the chuck. If I have to chuck both ends I need to add 2.5 inches to my finished length. Lynn, since you have a drill you're in good shape. If it has a cord it can be a bit cumbersome but with practice you'll get there. How was golf?
  15. Welcome to MSW, I hope you're able to find answers to your questions regarding the decking.
  16. Jack, welcome to MSW. Yes, please share photos of your La Astrolabe.
  17. Lynn, I'm right handed so I hold the drill in my left hand working the drill speed trigger and hold the jewelers file or sandpaper in my right hand. It's a bit awkward at first till one gets the hang of it, then it's piece of cake. And as I said, it's fun stuff. Thank you for the compliment regarding the gun.
  18. Lynn, see the below links. This is the basics of using a cordless drill for normal uses. I don't own a lathe so I use my cordless drill as a lathe. In the below photo I used my drill to make one of the guns for the Tennessee. You chuck a piece of round dowel into the drill and with sandpaper and or jewelers file you can make complex shapes for guns, lanterns, stanchions, or taper masts and spars. It's actually a lot of fun but there is a learning curve. Using a drill makes the work so much easier.
  19. Steve, I agree that Lynn will likely not need it for her next project but as I said, she needs to start thinking about the purchase of a variable speed cordless drill and having it sooner than later would give her time to practice where she would feel comfortable with the drill when she does need it.
  20. Lynn, I don't think a would work for turning masts and spars. It might work for turning small items but I'm not sure how robust the bearings are in a Dremel verses a variable speed cordless drill. When turning masts and spars one applies a fair amount of pressure with either sandpaper or a jewelers file. Steve, the collet on my Dremel is pretty small, am I missing something?
  21. Michael, I'm looking forward to you being healthy again. Glad your surgery date was moved forward.
  22. Chuck, welcome to MSW.
  23. Lynn, the little Pram turned out neat as a pin. I look forward to your Phantom build. One tool you need to start saving your money for is a cordless drill if you don't already have one. Not so much for drilling holes but to use as a poor man's lathe. As you ratchet up the degree of model difficulty, having a drill/lathe will become essential. It would be nice for you to get one fairly soon so you could start practicing and learning what you can and can not do with one. I have a Craftsman that has served me well though I've just about worn out the bearings. I'm sure you can get many brand recommendations from our fellow members.
  24. Giacomo, even though you're in the latter stages of your Hind build you can start a build log. I'd like to see your progress to the finish.
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