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John Allen

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Everything posted by John Allen

  1. True to a point but Amazon is the Post Office and the demise of economical rates that are virtually non existent now. You are forced into Priority or fill the box flat rates. I had recently sent several packages, 7 to 10 day economy shipping was $ 18.00 USD 2 or 3 day priority was $ 20.00 USD. These are to the best of my memory at that time, not to long ago economy would have been in the $ 7.00 to $ 12.00 USD range. I get the present day economics, fuel, and other factors that play into this but Amazon has taken away and restructured rates of the P.O. hopefully the P.O. is finally making some money.
  2. Several things over the years has led to the demise of reasonable rates thru the U.S. P.O. there was a big diffence at one time over gound and priority express as much as $5 to $15 USD or more. Amazon and E Bay was the ruination of reasonable shipping rates the last several years. John
  3. Perfection as always. Off subject but dealing with Scapa Flow there is a great read on the sinking of the HMS Royal Oak in Scapa Flow by Dilip Sakar survivor accounts when she was torpedoed by a German sub. Pretty hard read on what those sailors went through.
  4. o Masterful work as usual, Cap'n Jack spot on. Your good really really good!
  5. Keith, Nice on portholes, I would have had to get a teen video gamer to drill holes. (My hands would be shaking like Don Knotts skit whos nervous I'm not nervous) be terrified of screwing up a perfect planking. Well done again.
  6. Keith, Wish I could offer a suggestion, but all this is above my need to know and pay grade. You may mock up a 5" to 6" length of wood by 4" wide planked with what you have used on the hull should be enough room to drill all suggestions. That hull is too beautiful to have a mistake on. Do not mean to talk down with your skill and ability just threw it out there.
  7. Dick, Beautiful build, what made me stare for a long time was the rigging of the rudder that's some real eye candy well done.
  8. Keith, Absolutely in awe of all your skill sets, man you whip this stuff out so quick and perfect I would still be trying to figure out the first plank. I bow to the MASTER.
  9. I believe the consensus is nothing is set in concrete, if it feels right, is aesthetically pleasing to you and gives you that warm, comfy and fuzzy feeling nothing else matters. Sometimes we can get caught up in minutia.
  10. Did you very parts list against included instructions, looks like its all there doesn't mean its all there. John
  11. Tom, JoAnne's should have Tulle it comes in a variety of colors, Gdale put me on that one, I used black on my Vic. It has the diamond pattern. John
  12. This one was used at the battle of Vicksburg.
  13. Keith, Masterful planking well done. Its a pleasure to watch your work. John
  14. Frank, For a small city its a nice place to live. Would like to trade weather give you humidity and I'll take the dry heat.
  15. Jo, This is your build, example I personally do not like the copper plates on a new build I think its (gauche) new word for the day and I am in the minority with that opinion. All advice on this site is well meant when it comes to laying on some paint do what YOU feel is best and gives you that warm fuzzy feeling every time you look at it. Whether it be natural, historically correct, or your combination of color that may include polka dots.
  16. Frank, Your methodology in tackling the chain plates and shrouds was A#1. We have another museum piece on the ways. Kudos
  17. G, In this case beauty is in the eyes of the builder, if natural gives you that warm and fuzzy feeling go with it. Well done so far.
  18. Jo, Suggestion noting Mamoli instructions, do read twice always check ahead. You may find (example) on page 5 an assembly that should have been done on page 2. I took a lot of Excedrin on HMS Victory. Take your time as others have said, lot of help here. The old saying too many cooks in the kitchen spoil the soup its the exact opposite here too many cooks result in a better build. John
  19. Mark, A lowbrow like myself enjoyed the very informative brief intro. Will not surrender my seat on this one.
  20. Freek, Caught up, Kudos on a building an uncommon historical vessel. That's what is nice about this site, as Forest Gump stated "life is like a box of chocolates you never know what the next one is" This is beyond interesting you picked a goodie sticking to the end.
  21. Like your finished build real upgrade, also the display stand nautical, simple, perfectly understated and a true compliment to the build. Something a little different very nice KUDOS
  22. as they once said of Jackie Gleason I bow to the great one. (probably just 10% of folks here know who he was)
  23. Steven, Maximum effort has produced maximum results. On a scale 1-10 a 12 Kudos
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