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Jim Rogers

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Everything posted by Jim Rogers

  1. It has some weight to it and does stay in place for small movements however I feel much more secure by clamping it to my table edge. I use standard spring clamps for rapid attachment and removal.
  2. Sous Vide Immersion pump keeps the water hot all day, although I use a mini steam cleaner or iron.
  3. Beautiful work Rusty. This is next up on my list. Question if your hull bottom is white wouldn’t the horse shoe and bow tie fittings also be white?
  4. Simply beautiful Chuck. Hope I don’t muck it all up. Is the wash cant under the lower cheek and hair bracket?
  5. You could probably get it resawn at a local lumberyard that deals in exotics.
  6. I make sure it is bent too form and dry fits well THEN I carefully use CA in about three inch segments of the plank.
  7. All I use is tweezers, strong light and magnifying glasses
  8. My only issue has been the occasional launching of stock into the wall at Mach 9.
  9. Bremerton WA : Naval Museum, Keyport (Torpedo Town USA) , Undersea Museum nuff said
  10. The Domanoff Server has a Mouse jig. Check out his website.
  11. Yes, I wrote Technical Documentation for Torpedo Maintenance. The Technical Manual would have in depth procedures whilst the checklist would be abbreviated. Example the technical manual would explain that part 15a should be installed in bulkhead 15 after removing char and test fitting. It would explain any placement processes. The checklist would say: Install 15a (para 3.1) . Using a checklist means steps don’t get missed in the verbiage.
  12. Go easy on the drill holes. The Trenails are for show and not structural. I attached a plank on each side let it dry then drilled it. This way I was looking directly at the frame and the plank. Put on a dab of diluted PVA and inserted. I used a chisel head razor knife blade to cut off the tail. Try to maintain a straight line when drilling.
  13. I use the same one on my xy table.
  14. Home Depot carries adjustable work benches.
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