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Everything posted by JpR62

  1. Great job Bob! This frigate just keeps getting more beautiful!
  2. Always so precise and spectacular! Thank you for sharing your wonderful work ☺️
  3. Again an absolutely essential video! A very big thank you for sharing these techniques and for the time spent to make us discover your fantastic work. 😊
  4. Thank you all for your kind comments. I am fortunate to be able to work on a really well-designed kit, to have a precise and well written documentation and to be able to base myself on the work already done and described by many talented modelers 😁. Paul, I don't have a large number of finished models, but compared to Alaskan yellow cedar, cherry is a harder wood. It is a bit more brittle and difficult to bend than cedar. But if you moisten it well, it's still pretty easy to work with. On the other hand its advantage, it is less easily marked than cedar. Two woods to be apprehended differently but this is what makes the charm of this hobby 😉. However, in my opinion, cedar is easier to work with.
  5. Thanks Paul, Blue Ensign, Glenn, CaptainHook for your interest in this build log and thanks to all the 'Likes'. I realize that time is running out, but since I only work with wood glue, it takes some time to plank the first belt of the hull. Indeed, I don't know why, but using cyanolyte is impossible for me. It glues everything (including my fingers) except what should be... 😏 This step ended with the work on the square tuck. I was a bit afraid of its construction, but finally by following the method described in the manual, everything went pretty well. I was even surprised how logically everything fell into place. Everything is wonderfully thought out and described. For the vertical planking, I chose to use the same width of planks as those used for the hull, that is to say a width of 3/16". A light sanding and a first coat of teak oil bring out the beauty of the cherry. The part above the wales will be varnished only after the mouldings are glued. For the planking, I followed the method Chuck described for his Winnie frigate: I used an travel iron to shape the planks. Not everything is perfect, but the craft is coming along nicely. I hope to further improve my work method for the second belt. I will now finish lining the second belt and begin planking it. But before I do, I still need to install the lighting for both rooms. Luckily, the ordered lighting material has arrived...
  6. What a wonderful paint job on these friezes and lower counter. Can't wait to see what happens next.
  7. What a wonderful job on this Dory. Always a pleasure to be able to follow your precise and careful work. And the detail and care in the presentation turns a simple model at first glance into a little masterpiece. Bravo and thank you!
  8. Great work. As always, it's perfection. For the application of the airbrush paint, is it diluted with water or with a specific product?
  9. What a fantastic video and beautiful work on these guns. Rigging the guns looks so simple. I never would have thought to just prepare the seizing by wrapping the sewing thread around a finger. I will definitely adopt this method for my next rigging job. A video to watch several times and treasure! Thank you for sharing this beautiful work 😄
  10. 'Chesapeake' by Jean-Yves Delitte Collection 'Les Grandes Batailles navales' Comics ISBN 978-2-344-02092-0 Pages : 48 + an 8-page historical dossier Language: French Published in March 2017 Editions Glénat & Musée national de la Marine Price : 15 euros 50 Collection 'Les Grandes Batailles navales'
  11. 'A bord des Frégates', a book from Jean-Yves Delitte and Jean-Benoît Héron, Collection 'A bord' Published by 'Editions Glénat', April 2020 ISBN 978-2-344-03687-9 A book in 2 parts: A popularization of the history, construction, and life aboard a frigate. and in the second part, a brief presentation of 10 famous frigates. A book of popularization containing very beautiful illustrations. One of the authors, Mr. Jean-Yves Delitte, is an official painter of the French Navy. He is also the author of real maritime frescoes in comics, with his series 'Black Crow' or his tetralogy 'U-Boot'. He also told the story of the prestigious 'Belem'. He also directs the collection 'Les Grandes Batailles navales' in which he retraces with an undeniable talent the maritime history from Antiquity to our days. Unfortunately only in French language Prix : 25 euros https://www.glenat.com
  12. Very nice realization, Bob! This deck is really starting to look great. This frigate will be superb.
  13. Thank You to all the 'Likes'. I'm starting to add the final details before taking care of the mast. For the grapnel, I just changed the angle of the flukes on the grapnel arms to make them more vertical. Once painted, I applied a light veil of weathering powders. The rudder is being finished. I still need to touch up the rounding of the painted bottom frieze and add the tiller. Always a pleasure to work on this longboat.
  14. Thank You to all the 'Likes'. The second layer of wales is added. In order to make the painting easier, I decided to test a wood used by Russian modelers: black hornbeam. I was lucky enough to find a Russian supplier who was able to provide me with some (the same supplier who sold me the pear wood and the american maple used for my bases). So no more worries about paint on the edges... 😁 I'll be able to start planking the hull, starting with its lining.
  15. Thank you to all the 'Likes'. Following the method used by Rusty in his excellent log, I decided to lay the first two rows of hull planking first before proceeding to lay the second layer of wales. For the installation of the drop planks, I proceeded in the classic way. First of all I glued some protective tape on the hull which allowed me to draw the shape of my drop planks. The tape is then glued to a sheet of cardboard and a template is cut out. Once the shape is validated, it is transferred to a cherry sheet. The drop plank is cut with a safety gap. The final shape is then produced by cutting gently with a cutter and finishing with sandpaper. All that remains is to glue the drop plank. I will now be able to apply the second layer of wales.
  16. What a pleasure to have been able to follow this build and the result is just magnificent. You can be proud of this beautiful barge. Can't wait to see your next model !
  17. Great work, Glenn. This Cheerful is really a fabulous model. Thank you for sharing this beautiful work and especially for passing on so many tips and techniques. I look forward to following your work on the Winnie!
  18. Great job on the rigging! This cutter really looks great! And always a wealth of information and techniques. Thanks
  19. Wonderful model! Thank you for taking the time to share this great work with us. What a pleasure to have been able to follow this wonderful adventure.
  20. Thank you to all the Likes. This week, I just added two small details. First, the roller on the bow was turned using the Proxxon DB 250 wood lathe. I used the same lathe to shape the 2 windlass bars from a 1/8" x 1/8" cedar strip. Still a lot of fun to work on these little details and Alaskan yellow cedar is really a nice wood to work with. The more I work with it the more I like it. Next element to be treated: the rudder.
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