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Everything posted by src

  1. Well done Dennis. Sorry to hear about your landlord woes. Good ones are a blessing when you find one, bad ones should be thrown bodily into a den of lions. Sam
  2. Greg, I too was thinking about a destroyer to go alongside your Yamato, but my mind goes in different directions. What about a nod to Taffy-3 and build the Sammy B? I do not know if there are kits available and Sammy B never directly attacked Yamato, I believe it was Chikuma she traded blows with, it would really show off the miss match between the ships. Just a thought, whatever you choose I am sure we will all eagerly follow. Sam
  3. Dennis, Too bad about the scale with the toothpick, that would have looked great. I have the same toothpicks here and always liked the ends but never found a project for them. Wow, Market Basket! We had one here in Los Angeles many many years ago I dont know if it was part of the same chain or an independent. being on opposite coasts I would assume independent. Sam
  4. We will be here when you are ready. Being able to see is important, get those glasses. Sam
  5. Eric, Thats a planking job to be proud of. If my next build looks half as good I will be doing back flips! Well done. Sam
  6. Rich, Been following along quietly now for weeks, really enjoying watching your Argus come together. The planking is looking good. Sam
  7. looking good Rich, I like how you are thinking ahead. Sam
  8. Jeeze!!! The picture is in COLOR!!!!! Why didnt I notice that right away.......? What are the odds of a picture of that quality from the 1940's?? Sometimes the obvious escapes me. Sam
  9. Jason, I wondered about that but assumed they were a relatively new feature on ships. Sam
  10. Well done Dennis, that stripe pulls it all together. Sam
  11. Catching up here. Well done. I may have missed it earlier,but how does the printing hold up to cleaning up adhesives? Sam
  12. Greg, your weathering looks great. I am in awe of people who can do that, its not a talent I was ever able to develop. Now, to show my ignorance, what on earth are those two holes in the dry dock picture?!?!? They look to be 10 feet or more in diameter and would have had to create a quite a bit of drag. Sam
  13. Sjors, getting caught up here, I see you are up to your usual fine workmanship. Your carpenter gnomes are doing you proud. That was a nice repair job. I have often wondered about reamers for drilling holes like that rather than standard drill bits. Expansive though. Sam
  14. Mark, Getting caught up here. As you and others have taught me re-works are a way of life here, you will be somuch more satisfied in the end. Now, if only I could figure out a re-work button for life, id be a milionair and retired instead of just tired!!! LOL!! (im)patiently waiting for more. Sam
  15. Weflack, I dont know about the flame retardant aspect of Alum, perhaps some do use it for that, your handle on chemistry is far beyond mine. I do know that when we do work with any kind of fabric we are required to use an IFR (Inherently Flame Retardant) fabric. For us at least flame retardancy has not been a reason that I am aware of for using Alum. Sam
  16. Frankie, have you, or anybody tried thinning the epoxy down with denatured alcohol? I suspect it weakens the epoxy but it should saturate the fabric and not fill the weave. Also we sometimes use alum to stiffen fabrics for backdrops. Does anybody know if that would be an option for this? sam edit. On second thought when we have used alum when the fabric was not stretched properly. I think it might make the fabric shrink. Probably NOT the intention here🤔
  17. That wheel looks amazing, thanks for sharing. Dennis, that lever is for the 007 Hydrofoil/bullet proof shield/laser guided .50 cal rifle (WiFi capable) Sam
  18. Grant, I am afraid that may be your order ID. I looked at mine and have 3 different numbers - assuming we are looking at the same thing. And I see I let my membership lapse for a YEAR!!! Shame in me! Sam
  19. Rich, you dont NEED to serve, but it does add a textural element to the rigging that is nice. Check Alexi Domanof in the list of dealers on the NRG page. I believe he is in Europe and I have heard good things about his ropewalk, I think it will serve also? EDIT I just looked, he offers a serving machine. Sam
  20. Rich, Looking good, if it was easy anybody could do it. Like growing old, ship modelling isn't for sissies. Enjoy the ride, Sam
  21. Dennis, Been away for a few days, looking good. Thanks for the explanation on the handles. Sam
  22. Thanks Chuck, not sure how I missed that, I blame it on lack of sleep. 🙄 Sam
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