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Everything posted by Edwardkenway

  1. Very nicely done Phil! It's been fun watching, and you've got a model to be rightly proud of😉😊
  2. Very good advice, get well first Mark, then sort out Victory 😉
  3. It's on hold for summer, as there's far too many distractions and Admiralty tasks to be completed, leaving no time for the shipyard☹😉
  4. Most definitely an excellent and detailed build log for an equally excellent model,an absolute joy to follow! Between you and @glbarlow I think everything needed to know has been discussed, tried and tweaked, before being used to great effect. Thank you Derek.
  5. I've not gave up on this, just not had the time or inclination to sit inside, too many distractions, I'll be back when the weather turns. Many thanks for watching 😉 Cheers
  6. The WC could just be a nightstand type of a arrangement, chamber pot, bowl and water ewer, my thoughts 🤔😉
  7. I'm watching you with much interest and waiting to see the internal works😉 You've done great so far OC, the farmhouse roof is very realistic in appearance, but then I've come to expect nothing less from you!😊😉
  8. Good looking ship Sam, your planking and decking are a beautiful colour, positively glowing 😉
  9. You succumbed to her then?? I'll definitely be following your build on Winnie!!
  10. I would be surprised if the doors were still in position after the troops occupying the farm were there through the night😉😏 you know what soldiers are like, food and hot tea!!! Just a thought?? The brickwork looks very realistic! You certainly have an aptitude for detail painting OC.
  11. You might also try a very fine sand mixed in the paint for the whitewash, as it will add texture to the stucco parts. I'm sure that you'll do wonders with this farm and it will complement your skillfully painted troops perfectly 😉😀
  12. Great work Glenn, I'm eagerly awaiting the final photoshoot😉 Your Cheerful looks stupendous! Beautiful execution of a well designed model
  13. and welcome to MSW!
  14. Just put them down to landsmen learning the ropes ( no pun intended) under the watchful eye ot the bosun😉 Excellent work on the rigging, your Cheerful is turning out to be a proper little gem of a cutter!
  15. As usual Tony, you've done yourself proud, the model looks fabulous and the display base suits it perfectly. Excellent work, and I'm looking forward to seeing your next offering 😀
  16. Ah Mon ami, I see the Regiment received the new standard straight from Paris 😊 Beautifully done OC, he's a credit to the battalion! Vive l'empereur!!!
  17. Dragging my chair in now, has the popcorn 🍿arrived yet. Looks a great kit !
  18. Here's to a long, prosperous and productive future for Vanguard Models 😁 Best wishes to you and your wife.
  19. The French Eagles were very sacred to the Regiments as it was said that Napoleon himself kissed each Eagle before presenting it to the battalion. The British army were still using whistles in the 1914-1918 war. At the beginning British commanders still expected troops to go over the top in an orderly fashion and advance towards the enemy at a walk😶😬 Whoever said "lions led by donkeys" wasn't too far from the truth!
  20. And all very engrossing and moreish 😉 I've been watching that on Netflix, it's very very good!! It's interesting to see the differences between the ACW and the Crimean War with only 10 years or so between them and how the European powers were still using Napoleonic tactics in large set piece battles, and also trench warfare around Sebastopol! ( a taste of what was to come 60 odd years later🤔) Perhaps you could do a "Late Unpleasantness" dio after !😊😇 I'll get my coat🙃😅
  21. Looks good OC, your detailing is great, will the standard bearer have just the Eagle or have the colours attached?
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