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Everything posted by cog

  1. Tudo bem? Had to run to catch up, Vivian. I see you are building me with a twist and have resolved the camera issue you had previously. Please, don't move before you've finished this build!
  2. I meant for the dummy enigne, but that will take to long. Try balsa, easily shaped ...
  3. I suppose you could print the engine, if your 3D printer is up to the task ...
  4. One of the nice things about wood, is the possibility to correct one's mistakes without a lot of fuss. Nice recuperation, Gerhard. That plug will cost you some sweat, sanding it by hand ...
  5. Mass production started. Looks very impressive, Nils. Not much to correct as far as I can see from this side. It's stunning to see how much detail you can preserve with this method of replication. Wonderful work!!
  6. Clare, It is "The Genius Of Japanese Carpentry" by S. Azby Brown, Kodansha International, ISBN 0-87011-897-8 It's about the (re)construction of a hall within the Yakushiji monastry, lots of drawings and pictures, and of course tidbits of knowledge ... Like the construction of the roof timbers, a bit of brass too!
  7. Nice find Mr Bunny, thanks for the information, for now I stick to my piece of hot rod
  8. Yeah right, a similar kind a humor ... you shouldn't look up from downunder mate. Let me look up to that marvelous result. I like that weathered deck. The black was indeed a bit to black, nearly like freshly painted, and untrodden. If you say eight months, it sure as h*ll didn't feel that way. I have enjoyed your posts trememdously, and really did look forward to the next update. You got my interest rekindled with the build of the Dreadnought, and I was pleasantly surprised you started the Yamato as I had the Musashi waiting on ... yupz PE. I found a new respect for plastic modelling with the after market update sets. It really is a challenge. Very well done on the weathering too, I'll skip that step in my build! I'll advance one step at the time ... She really looks the magnificent ship she was in all her splendour, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
  9. Hello Piet! Long time no read my friend. Building another sub!!! You are becoming our deep sea guru! Anything special, or still a BIG secret? Thanks for passing by I thought it rather mistifying ... or should I say blurring ... The back is a lot better, I wish I could be tortured a bit longer by that lovely physiotherapist. She had a good hand in manipulating muscle tissue! I can twist and shout again, not as supple as 30 years ago, but movement without pain is back Nearly ready to prime the hull ... I found that using a piece of thin brass rod works far better to apply CA than a touthpick. You can burn off any build up glue from it with a lighter, which is very practicle!!!
  10. Throw them on ... might try that one. Watch out you won't shake 'em off. Just wondered, as it was rather shiny in the image ...
  11. You are in a hurry, RGL! It really is going fast these last few kilometers. Looks spiffy though. Will you keep the planes in lacquered condition, or do you plan to spray them with flat varnish ... Now I can't wait to see her finished!!
  12. NIce build, Clare. I've got a book on Japanese temple construction. Somewhere along the line they state that some joins have a 1 - 2 mm space which will set flush in a century ... those temples are still made with an increadible precision, unable to do with modern machinery, or the knowledge from ages hence
  13. Mick, as long as you have fun is what matters most, but that is something you already know. You have got one of those workshop gobblers too!!! I would expect the gobbler to grow, but he, or she is still invisible size wise It's an expensive piece of workshop equipment!! Cheers
  14. That depends, Greg. Do you mount her on the base in the centre or off centre ... You could have one boom extended if off centre. I have been pondering on how to display her (yes, already, not even a single coat of primer yet), considering the "extensions" like the boat boom, and the boats, and an idea is emerging ... that, however, is for a future post
  15. The tackle rigging looks very good. Very nicely done those coils, Jesse. You are still making progress, which is the important bit, not the time you need to achieve that. Hope your health improves ... You are in my thoughts, as always ... Cheers
  16. Thay are, but you "just" miss out on the microscopic brass pieces Cheers
  17. Looking great Greg. You should take into account that these boats are at such a scale, it is really hard to get them look spiffy any which way you try
  18. You are creating some fine details, Gerhard. Will you paint the insides flat black too?
  19. Pat, Thanks, you put your finger on the sore spot: Slowly. In the end I'll get here Sam, Hadn't thought about that ... flying apple pie Dennis, If there is left, you can get another helping ... it's a pitty it takes 3.5 to 4 hours to make ... it seems I like it slow
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