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Everything posted by cog

  1. Hello Rexy, I usually use pins as you have applied for the clippings on the wall. The treenails ... as Dave wrote, besides that it is a waiste of energy Cheers
  2. Greg, Not included Right, it's the material of the kit's plastic parts itself ... should have known it was that easy!!! Found the description of it on a British site, and how to use it (http://www.aeroscale.co.uk/modules.php?op=modload&name=SquawkBox&file=index&req=viewtopic&topic_id=146894&page=1) Let's blame it on the language barrier ... (or that I'm simply stupid)
  3. Well done Daria. It's good to clean off glue for the next step. Looking forward to see you planking the hull!
  4. Nice boat, Nenad. The others might turn out better: Practice makes perfect. The prototypes you can send to Piet
  5. ... now I need to find a supplier, preferably Dutch. Thanks, Greg, yet again. You are my brass guru!
  6. Hello Mark, I'm glad you got rid of the aircraft carier, a period ship is so much nicer don't you think!? She really does you proud, Mark. The wood looks marvelous and she stands very proud in her cradle. Give my best wishes to Janet. 2017 should have started a lot better for her! Cheers
  7. Thanks for the tip, Greg. In this case I'm hard pressed to cut even that to size ... I will have a go at it though Cheers
  8. Greg, I thought you would have some fabulous solution ... bummer ... I found one in my keyboard though! Got another bummer: Yesterday evening (no bottle isn't empty), I bent a piece a bit to far, and had to correct it ... now it's two parts instead of one ... Will have to try CA but doubt if I can manage it, ordered some spare parts to. At this size they should, at least for the small items, add some spares ... No pictures yet, still not ready. It feels like one of Hercules' challenges! Cheers
  9. When it jumps on my lap, aye, but how about when it jumps to the side?
  10. Ever so right Sam. For the gun one piece alone has 12 bends folds to it two others four, and one more three two ... hope to get them done without loosing any. Even a carpet monster won't be able to find them ... Besides that, if I overbend and correct it breaks ... no extra's so I'll be in dire straights so to speak ... No beverages but coffee with these parts!!!!! Cheers
  11. Tought you wouldn't be finished. I can still see some deck ... and you've got some netting space left ...
  12. Not much done last week. Have done the base of the 25mm AA guns. Hope to finish the gun parts this weekend ... repetitive work ... hardly! got some more tweezers and pliers
  13. Jesse One step at the time, get as good as you can get. If some minor modelling helps, go and do it. We'll be patient ... or at least try to be
  14. Wrong topic OC, you should have posted here ... You are getting old I don't remember if I ever had any ... Greg, What needle do you use for the shadows, and what will you use for the covering layer?
  15. Slow is fast enough, Rexy. Looks good to me, and it will make the final planking a lot easier when you take your time on this layer! Cheers
  16. Well done, Mike. A multifunctional desk! Your daughter will be glad with the improvement of her bench
  17. Greg, If you want to make a longer straight line with you airbrush, or a paintbrush for that matter, use a stick to stabalise your hand. You've got two options (depending on the space you've got). You can fixate your hand/wrist on the stick and pull it sideways, or fixate the stick and move your hand over it using it as a rail. The former goes for painting with a brush when you need to have a stable position and you can't put your hand down where you want to, e.g. when correcting on the superstructure when it is fit to the hull Cheers Carl
  18. North - South, or East - West ... There is a very large difference, at least to Dutchmen (one and a half times it's width is it's height) I checked he distance, but you are off by 150 km largest length, Greg. Australia is far bigger then you presumed Cheers
  19. Get a magnifier Mr Bunny. I know what you mean with the crosseyedness, had it myself until I got one
  20. Robin, You haven't seen the surface of our dining table. Now I mention it, neither have I for a long time (Sorry for hijacking your log Greg, couldn't resist ... )
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