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Everything posted by cog

  1. Hope this one hasn't been used before
  2. Michael, I had something along the same line: Copy/mark the pattern of the portholes on paper. Use that as a template to mark them on the hull with a needle or awl. You could then make a 'dent' in the hull with a drill bit (if that small is available) or increase the size using an awl with a short wide point. Finally fill the holes with a dark stain/paint ...
  3. Auch!!! Mark, Sorry to hear about your accident. One question, as this or something like this happend to me (although, without so much damage), did you feed the wood faster that last run? I noticed that if the bit makes high revolutions and you feed very slow, it will work, but the other way around ... it will certainly not. Furthermore, a cross table would be a nice investment for these parts ... However, I do prefer Russ' way.
  4. Sam, Catheads look real good, not to say marvelous. You shouldn't be working on the front and the back end at the same time! Just pulling your leg. What happened? I see it's wrong, but you measure everything tripple, so I can't understand it ...
  5. So I should wait on the outcome of your wild guess?
  6. Can't you cut a new one from stock ... it may seem a fuss, but you are building a plank on frame hull ...
  7. Robert, Everybody who does not speaks another language then English, will have problems. We all try our best and everybody on the forum will keep that in mind. If you need help tpo translate you can try google translate or go to vertalen.nu if you want to translate a word. The more posts you make, the easier it gets
  8. Even for a try out they look stunning, i.e. the hand railing. I was thinking about cutting slivers of a brass tubing or tranches from a dowel for the portholes ... On the Sea Witch I'm building I used walnut which I cut at 2mm to handle and sanded it back to 0.5mm so I still have a 'hight' difference.
  9. He, he, thought you only showed someone else's pictures, just to make us drool I know Harriet needed attention :D I'm glad you're taking time for Emma C. and get those dockyard workers in line
  10. Jason, You could photoetch the letters yourself. On the other hand, I like the look of it the way you have done it now.
  11. I don't know how I missed this build of the Emma C., and a very instructive log to! She looks very prommissing Time passes quickly, it's a pitty model boat building can't get in the way of life sometimes! On the other hand, it keeps it special ...
  12. It looks like they took every inch of canvas and hung it out to dry
  13. Garward, I can't find those blocks on the floor anywhere ...
  14. John, She doesn't feel like a real King, she is a real King (maybe more a Queen). Those stacks sure make a difference
  15. Robbyn, I'll copy your jig. Be sitting right beside Sam, following your hesitant advances in the big unknown world of rigging - maybe distract the teacher a bit now and again Have a great time, see you when you are back again
  16. Russ, I remember this one. I enloyed the log tremendously. Looking forward to the 'development'. It's good to see her back coming a live.
  17. That's a very intreguing build you set out on. Very clean workmanship on the keel and the frames!
  18. Sorry to hear that Keith. Often irreplaceable moments are lost when you loose an item such as a camera.
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