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About RickyGene

  • Birthday 10/31/1955

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    North Carolina
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    Too many, not enough time.

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  1. Have read thru the complete thread of your build. Have enjoyed and learned a few tricks along the way. I will follow until you complete. Rick
  2. Happy to see additional postings of this thread. To be honest, this is my favorite thread following right now. Look forward to more. Rick
  3. Glad to see someone taking on this Mfg's Bluenose II. I purchased and was not too impressed with what was in the box! Was not happy with nothing but a CD to assemble from! But you are proving I might have been hasty in my assessment of the kit. Now I did make another purchase for the build, a book titled Bluenose II by LB Jenson. If one is building the original or the copy of the Bluenose, you need this book. No it is not a blow by blow of how to build, but a complete book of drawings of every detail you could wish to add and or correct. I regrettably returned the kit for a refund and decided to find a kit of the original Bluenose. I am looking at a Windjammer/Billing Boats version. You have done a wonderful job so far. Looking forward to more of the build. You stated there was a percentage of if built or not. I hear and understand, but with the job you have done so far, would be ashamed not to finish. Keep up the clean precise work. Rick
  4. Thanks for the info. I thought you cut the grove w/the homemade too/blade. And thanks f/photo. Saved. Rick
  5. I have always loved the lines of this sleek lady. And your craftmanship w/wood has again shown those lines. I have never built a Bluenose and for some time have looked at different kits of. After seeing what you have done and wanting to give a hull shape like this ago, I pulled the trigger and ordered a AL Bluenose II. I did look at the Model Shipways and decided was too complicated. Then I looked at Billing Boats versions, but one was just too big and the other was one of their 600 series, you build in two halves and then join the two. I have never been too found of this, kind of outside my scope of how it is done! So I saw the AL kit f/Bluenose II and it fit the requirements for what I was looking for. Though not as detailed in construction/method as the Shipways. I also ordered the book Bluenose II Saga of the Great Fishing Schooners, LB Jensen. So w/this info, hope to turn the AL kit into a decent replica. From photos I have looked at of the deck and furniture/fittings, AL did a pretty good job. Have seen some areas that need attention, but nothing overly complicated. Look forward to more of your thread. What paint did you use for the bottom. I am a fan of Danish Oil and how it brings wood to life. Really liked the home made cut tool. Thanks for sharing. Rick
  6. You have done a wonderful job on the little Tug. I had this kit years ago when you got the rough hull, some strip wood, blocks and a few castings. I remember RR guys taking this kit and turning them into show stoppers. And as I understand now you get w/PE, brass tube smoke stack and no white metal. Watching you build yours, has me wanting to build another. Oh, my 1st one, I paid $8.00! Like your approach and detail workmanship. Rick
  7. Sorry Peter, I did not see your last post before posting above, ole geezers minds wonder! I am looking for those other books as well. I am enjoying this one very much, does take some getting use to, the seaman's way of talking. Rick
  8. Hello Peter, just a up-date to this post from back in October. I recently purchased/received a book, Log Of The Cutty Sark, by Basil Lubbock. Do not know if you have a copy, but is a wonderful read, outstanding History of the Cutty and the men who sailed her. Many photos, some of which I have never seen. Anyway, on page 289, you find a photo of the Cutty in Surrey Commercial Dock, 1922 and it is the same photo but of the whole ship as the below photo. So yes, it is Nanny aka the Cutty Sark figure head. And that outstretched arm/hand held a horse's tail if I read it right. Just thought you might like to know. The photo gives some great details for the forward/bow sprint area of the vessel if one was so inclined to use. Of course, this is as she appeared in 1922. She has a white band w/black covers along her sides. I read in the book her hull was metal frame with wood covering, the bulwarks were covered in metal plate and of course copper bottomed. The original color of hull was all black upper works, gold yellow rub rails, all white carve works bow/stern and copper plate bottom. The deck houses were white w/mahogany trim work. The door knobs were yellow crystal glass. The ships boats were painted bright white w/black banding, but later would be solid white, There is a wealth of info in the book. The book has photos of the deck fixtures, ships wheel and other points of interest. I see a lot of builds that trim work on the deck was done in green, but, there is no mention of nor can one tell from the photos, B&W tends to throw colors off unless one is adept at distinguishing gray hues and what color the gray shade represents. Nor have I found it mentioned in the colors as the author has brought out. Just some fun facts to play with. I did receive my Billing Boats Cutty last week and have ordered the plans from the UK f/General layout and rigging. I did not order the sail plan, the book has this and I doubt I add the sails anyway, maybe do something different such as displaying w/sails hanging out to dry! Hope you find something useful from the photo. Rick
  9. Here is a photo of the figure head of the Cutty Sark taken in 1922. I posted this on another thread and was told this is not the Cutty Sark figure head but did look like it. I felt that had I did more research, I would have known in truth what the figure head was. I had been led to believe it was just as I posted and was shared. There then followed a little debate about the Nanny Witch, a Poem and the posted figure was another ships figure head! Well, I purchased a book recently from eBay, The Log Of The Cutty Sark, by Basil Lubbock. A really good read for those interested in the history of this gloriously well know Composite Built Clipper Ship. And low and behold, what is one of the photo plates in the book...….you guessed it! If you are building a Cutty, I strongly suggest you get a copy, you will not be sorry and it is not over priced as every other ship book is these days.
  10. Nice clean workmanship. I have always loved those Ole River Boats. I had this kit years ago, not the laser cut version and sold. I have many time wished I had of held onto. I will enjoy yours just the same. Look forward to more of your thread. Rick
  11. Purchased this book to go with the other reference material I am collecting for the build. Looks to be a good read too.
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