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Everything posted by Mirabell61

  1. Beautiful build Tozbekler, wonderful craftmanship and a nice Workshop.... Nils
  2. Thank you Piet and Jason, I was just trying to get an overview of how many sprit boom related lines I would Need to put on, and also to establish belaying Points for those. The Little Hand scetch (pending changes ) helps me along with that and inspired by a recent pic of Danny`s Vulture, a Detail not shown in the Amati plan, I think the 8- hole saddle stradling the bow sprit will bring some better alignment and neatness to the many bow lines Nils
  3. Hello Martin and Juergen, thanks for your words, I`m eager too to get the very first sail rigged on the ship. Have to see if there are any fitting out parts on deck to be attached permanently now, like chain pumps, main gallows, etc.... and see that I get the right sequence for mounting versa Access to the belaying Points. I am intending to rig the sails in a reasonable braced mode, as much as I can because of the limited Yards clearance with the shrouds and with accordingly loosened truss tackels to allow that. Because the bracing tackles go on last I have to put some preliminary bracing lines on to Position the Yards during rigging Nils
  4. Build log part 67 Sails, sails and sails...... currently I`m working on the sails, all 18 are sewn, the bolt ropes are on, and I´m continuing with the cringles ( for bowlines, reef- and buntlines, etc....) and the short reef lines on the appropriate sails and sail areas. The two waterholes of the sprit sail required some Handsewing to prevent fringing out. It took me round about a week for the sails, now I Need to order some additional blocks for their rigging Nils
  5. amazing work Omega, now I know why you are building at such a scale....... your shelf space at home is also limited... Very fine and good looking build Nils
  6. Very good looking Danny, just a question...., how do you slip the lower top platforms over the masttop with the shroud rigging on, are the rectangular outcuts so large ? Nils
  7. Wonderful work Alexander, very precise and neat build, beautiful joinings..., all Looks very authentic to me... Nils
  8. Popeye, do´nt be sad for the left boats, you`ll be having a whole Harbor full of new ones in due time.... the glass cases are a nice achievement for dust protection. I see how dust settles on top glass pane of the case now and then, and I think this would have settled on the model otherwise. Even the Pegasus, still in process for some months already, is starting to gather dust, I`d better use a light Cloth cover protection for the meantime Nils
  9. Bob and Bob, that what I asumed it to be.... the most pleasure goes with building a model, and even more having fun, if it turns out the way it was expected to be Nils
  10. Bob, I`m taking you serious, what a painful thought.... sounds like a strict Arrangement deal with your admiralty, you must have tears in your eyes when you part from one of your "babies". What happens to those leaving your home, do you sell them ? do they find a place in the public or in the further Family? Hopefully you can see them frequently Nils
  11. Thank you Omega, I`m just doing this as a Hobby, since I have retired in 2007 I have the necessary time to do so. Your gues is quite right, I was acting as a graduated mechanical engineer during my active time. In the Moment there are no certain plans for the next model Project, although I have many in mind. Unfortunately I ran out of space in my home, as each completed model requires its own Display case, wish I had a larger house. Nils
  12. Keith, David, Popeye, Bob and Juergen, many thanks for your Kind appreciations, and thanks to all others for the likes. I`m very happy if some of the self experienced Detail could be of help to the one or other and I like to share whatever I feel should be passed on.... Nils
  13. Popeye, the bolt rope is sewed on 4mm away from the edge. When the 4mm are folded inwards after the bol trope is on, it will be laying perfectly at the sail outsiide edge Nils
  14. thank you Popeye, those patches Show up well when the light is from behind, so that the reinforced Areas can be seen I`m not going to Show every few sails made, this is just to illustrate this sequence in sewing Nils
  15. Popeye, Wow ! I was somehow having 3 ships in mind, now its even 4 on the slipways, what a Project ! I wish further good success and much fun with your respectable fleet Popeye. Nils
  16. looking good Popeye, all three are claiming build Progress, somehow like the bird babies with their beaks wide open when Mama bird brings on some Worms to the nest (Holiday Harbor). You must be gaining quite a lot of spin off experience from the foreward pushed "Andrea Gail" build Nils
  17. Thanks Martin, we had about 3 days in a cooled down house, had set up a Little electric fan heater in the bathroom to overcome. Since last saturday eve we now have a brand new combination heater (Heating and warm water) of "state of the art" new Generation installed and working. It is supposed to save us costs for electricity and gas, well we`ll see when comparing the consumptions over a year or so. Nils
  18. Keith, thanks for looking in, the bolt ropes are all machine-stitched, by laying an overlock zig-sag stitch over the centered boltrope underneath, and before Turning the outward 4 mm edge 180° inward, so that the bolt rope lays at the outer edge of the sail. I did several Trials for this technique, and it works well Nils
  19. Build log part 66 update for Sail making guided by the sail Arrangement (overview) I made 1:1 drawings of every one of the 18 sails The Rating is transfred to the starched Cotton Cloth and prepared for sewing with greyish Color thin Polyester sewing thread. For the bolt rope I use 1mm diam. ( greyish color model ship rigging rope in Polyester) Have just finished the first two sails, spanker and main top sail, but still have to attach cringles and reefing strops. Gues the sail making shall take quite some time from now on to get all 18 sails completed Found this on the web for duck-Standards on Britsh sail Cloth : Sail making, Cloth sizes Standards for British manufactured sailcloth were enacted in 1746. In Addition to requiring British sail makers to mark each new sail with his Name and adress, the size of a bolt of sailcloth was standerdized at twenty-four inches wide. The seam was 1 - 1,5 " wide In scale 1/64 this results to 9 mm sail Cloth-width Nils
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