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Everything posted by Mirabell61

  1. Martin, Thank you, I have so far very good experience with cutting bamboo into shape. The Major Advantage is that when it splits (wanted direction) it splits in a straight line. For shaping I use a table combi-grinder, my Drilling machine and a scalpel and some fine files, and sanding paper A happy Christmas time also to you Nils
  2. Magnus, brilliant design and Rendering work, well done ! Nils
  3. set of oars is complete, trial pulling in the Harbor basin can now be done wishing a happy and relaxing Christmas time to all fellow builders, and NMSW Administration staff, and with best regards Nils
  4. hello Siggi, beautiful build, those carvings are wonderful, I like your work, in all well done, had a look at your Homepage, very interesting Frohe Weihnachten ! Nils
  5. nice deck planking Mike, Looks very nice and neat, can imagine that its requires much concentration to cut off the correct side for the taper on the planks Nils
  6. Mauro, great looking Job on the sails again, I trust ist machine sewing this time or ....? the sail surface in your post #35 pics look very much wrinkled, is that willingly so, if my fresh sewed sails throw buckles I wet the with starch spray and iron them dry. The Cotton Cloth did not shrink by doing so.... In your post #37 pics the sail surfaces look quite nice and even, did you do some Change to your process there ? Happy Christmas holiday Nils
  7. Amazing work Ed, the way you rounded the stern with the precise planking. Very nice tools also. It must be a pleasure doing the planking on such a wonderfull preperated framework, and you`re going for single planking mode, well done ! Nils
  8. This is a lovely Billings model les, I remember bidding in vain at Ebay for this model...... Wish you good success and a lucky hand with this ship Nils
  9. an anchoring device for securing boat to the strand.... the little dreggen anchor from the Amati photo etch sheet is really too small, so I soldered my own one from brass, 16 mm long and appr. 15mm diam. over the four pikes the midget anchor was considered too small (bottom left boat has fallen dry at Cornwalls Atlantic coast anchor hooked over the sheer capping Nils
  10. beautiful work Chris, lovely color scheme and warm Wood tone, I love it Nils
  11. Thank you Bob, I still have enough of those Bamboo rods (for supporting flowers) of which I do the oars from. Very high tension resistant material and easy to chip and cut and sand Nils
  12. Looks great Michael, I`m not sure if you mentioned it before, but is the engine foreseen for running on fuel ? Nils
  13. Build log part 70 the little gig is now complete, first prototype for the oars is made oar length appr. 2,3 the max beam width oar shaft diam. 2mm, made from bamboo, could be a bit less but risk of breaking under rounding the shaft fits in for the "HMS Pegasus" space on the gallows (in actual it would be a 28 ft gig). I`ll better have to take off the rudder (hook it out) Nils
  14. Martin and Jason, thank you for looking in and for the appreciations, yes Martin, there are quite a lot of small boats om MSW, so one can study quite a lot before doing an own small build I think its only been an intermediate episode Jason, seeing the empty space on my Swan Class and the inspiration to build a ships boat through B.E. and Bob (Rafine), and many others....) Nils
  15. Thank you Peter, its good to have comments from fellow builders..... Peter once its been said and that in line with my own feeling I could`nt resist to trimm the rudder...., took some bulkyness from the rudder-head and from the bottom bow (underwater part), am pleased now. Need to start with the oars now Kester, thanks again for your kind advice on the rowing and seat arrangement, am realy pleased with the result now. Yes I think I`ll take the rudder off when placinig the boat on the ship, but have to complete rigging and sails first Have just added the forward and aft hooking-in eyelets Nils
  16. Thanks Kester, the first rowlock on stb-side was moved a bit forward, tust all is OK now. The place for the boat is limited on the Pegasus, perhaps I should have chosen a dinghi or so, but I liked the shape of the gig.... Nils
  17. thanks Peter, thats a very nice drawing (Pandora related pinnacle), thanks for sharing, I`m sure the one or other fellow builder may have interest in for building this boat type... For my build I also had the Feeling that the rudder could have been a tiny bit lighter, but I must admit, that the Patience to do it over again was not strong enough, so decision.... leave as is.... If I should hapen to do a small craft in this style again, all this would certainly be dealt with accordingly Cheers Nils
  18. Thank you very much Kester, thats a very nice and informative Input, especially because you experienced pulling on a gig yourself. Now that the mast supports are fixed to thwart #2 and #6 the Crew oarsmen will be forced to sit on the opposite side to where the oars stick out, so that will be in compliance to your comment, thanks again.... Nils
  19. Thank you Michael, I`m just thinking about how to make the oars for stowing them on the boat (Need 6 of them ) Nils
  20. very nice work juergen, are you going to plank the entire frames, or leave an outcut for to see the lovely framework ? Nils
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