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Everything posted by edmay

  1. Dearest Sherry and family,My wife and I send our deepest sympathy at your loss,may he rest in peace.Edwin and Urmilla.
  2. Hello Sjors,One could say you are really on the level,!!!.Nice work ,you may not see me but I follow your comments daily when time allows,my wife asked "Does Sjors drive that bus,I said yes he drives all right !!!!!!.keep up the good word.,regards to the Admiral .Edwin
  3. Hello, I"ve found that if you have the space,a piece of tempered 1/4 inch glass over plans or part of plan,easy to measure, clean,glue ,paint etc,no holes in the wall if you do not have a workshop.Edwin
  4. Aye John lad,ya need to swab ye deck,before yon Captain see"s the dusty deeeeeeeeeeek!!!!!!!Edwin (nice)
  5. Hello Sherry,your modeling skills are brilliant,sending prayers,Edwin
  6. Hello Robynn, congratulations on your good looking model,be proud,shout out loud , "I did it my way",(Frank Sinatra),bravo .Edwin
  7. Hello Patrick, Outstanding workmanship,very neat. nice work area,Edwin
  8. Hi Adriaan,Great looking progress,nice color,neat workmanship.Edwin
  9. Hello John, progress looking real good. Having a beer "CHEERS" keep up the good work,nice pictures. Edwin
  10. Hello ,I agree the color looks real good,nice job,so don"t knock on wood (might hurt)Edwin
  11. Hello Adriaan,Build is looking real good,glad your back up to speed.Edwin
  12. Hello Jan,Just to let you know that I'm enjoying your build ,thanks for the learning.Edwin
  13. Hello Rich, Ditto on what Ken said,be cool all will come together,wife and I wish you the best.Edwin
  14. Hi Tony,slow is the way to go,your modeling experience from where ever is shinning through,nice progress,love your modeling area,colorful,thanks for the tips.Edwin
  15. Hello Denis, yes your right sos is on the shelf,no camera yet,very limited time at the moment, you know what I mean , but saving info from you and the sos builders,pretty soon will have a dockyard full of virtual eager builders,so thanks your build is first class.regards to the Admiral
  16. Hello Denis,This model is turning into a thing of beauty,love the color,waiting for the pin rail surprise,Edwin
  17. Back again,Admiral just said wow "the barrel thing is brilliant" Danke,Edwin
  18. Hello Karl, Agree with many others,clever brilliant workmanship,artistry ideas and your execution is magnetizing to us that are learning,many thanks for your time and excellent detailed pictures,The Admiral also in awe.Edwin.
  19. Hello Rich,Was a military man,the two worse things for me were moving(keep,sell,or chuck)decisions,decisions. 2nd was toothache(Army dentists) make a plan,get some help,good luck.Edwin.
  20. Hi Rich,FANTASTIC NEWS, The ebbing of stress begins,luck with your negotiations,congrats .Edwin
  21. Hi Popeye,You and the Admiral are to be commended for your hospitality and generosity ,kudos.Edwin
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