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Everything posted by edmay

  1. Hi Sherry,As was already said,"A true artist indeed",Brilliantly done,Edwin
  2. Hello Richard,Good photo"s showing very neat workmanship,going to be an impressive build,will follow your log ,thanks Edwin.
  3. Hello Adriaan,glad your getting back to your old self,go easy on the ticket issue,you don't want to do your jigsaw in a 9x6 cell !!!!,Im just glad your safe and getting better,regards to the Admiral.Edwin
  4. Hello Andy,your bending jig is a great idea and may have other uses,SoS is looking real good,thanks Edwin
  5. Hi Denis,you may get in trouble with the Admiral for that remark or knot so I"ll string along and watch the fireworks from afar,nice job .Edwin
  6. Hello Sjors ,Get well soon as this motly crew(your followers)will quickly get out of hand,( and I'm one of them)So take your medicines like a man and get better.See you soon Edwin
  7. Hello Adraain,lifting my glass proposing a toast from all(GET WELL SOON) your help to many is missed.Regards to the Admiral.Edwin
  8. Hello ,nice look"in modeling,good coloring,will follow your build,ex Liverpudian,Edwin
  9. Hello John ,Many thanks for the Niagara info,ex brit soldier,know how it feels to see old friends served with,have a great time.Edwin
  10. Hello Eric,wow what a nice build,really like the planking and its color,awork of art . Canuck fan(maybe this year with "new coach.")Edwin
  11. Hello Adriann,glad your on the mend,Iv"e got a 6ftx4ft 10,000 pc mostly orange and shades of brown jigsaw,that would really send you bananas,but your missed so cannot let you have it,get back soon, hi to the Admiral, Edwin
  12. Hello Andy,welcome, I will also start this kit sometime later this year,will follow your build.all the best.Edwin
  13. Hi Nenad,I just looked at a coppering job on.CW MORGAN by Texxans(john),his log was on today,check todays blogs .Edwin
  14. Hello John, your coppering job is brilliant,thanks for info on testers and the method used,your making a really nice first class effort,well done. :piratebo5:Edwin.
  15. Hello Nenad,Sounds like an interesting day at the household,get some beer and play happy families,your determination to get the angles right is to be applauded,I have no doubt that your model is going to be first class. Play some music, cheers(beer)have a little rest, Edwin
  16. Hello Adriaan,more than a few hobby shop owners but not all sadly lack in the follow up service, the one thing I learn"t in the restaurant business was,look after your customers and in turn they will look after you(in increased business),I emailed OcCre about missing parts and received the best service and a free nameplate plaque saying model by-----------,plus a follow up email.Glad your feeling a little regards to the Admiral.
  17. Thanks Bob for the learning,much appreciated ,Edwin
  18. Hello Sam,many thanks for the clothes pin idea, will come in very handy,Edwin
  19. Hello Adriaan, many, many good thoughts and best wishes are hovering over you,wanting you to get better,with the help of the Admiral,meds you will,patience is a virtue,will try to get you some from suppliers, Edwin (no scratching,got it).
  20. Hello John, thanks for the link,I just got this model,will follow your log. Edwin
  21. Hello Vince,excellent work as usual,parrels fit right in,have a good week.Edwin
  22. Hello Mick,hot here to,having a shandy to cool off,nice job on the planking(I bow to you),regards to the Admiral.Edwin
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